August Scavenger Hunt ($50 Gift Certificate for winner)

Here's what I have so far. Gonna go searching tomorrow some more, but right now in 100* weather this is what I got today.

A BOAT IN THE DESERT!!! I thought this was going to be the hardest one to find; I saw it coming back from the store in my car and hopped on the bike and got a picture before it had a chance to leave the 4X4 shop.

Its also a vehicle (truck) towing another vehicle (boat).


Abandoned vehicle (4 door hatchback). If you look really close there is probably a car with a flat tire in there somewhere, but its pushing it so I'll get another picture for a flat.


Vintage car. Actually found this in my apartment complex parking lot, no idea whose it is. Much better than the ricer Sunfire parked next to it.


Human powered transportation (my Specialized Hardrock, though you could maybe count my project Isuzu Impulse in the garage as only moves if you push it right now:D)

Whats the last day to submit? The farm stuff I can't get around here but I can probably find some on the way to Roswell to pick up the Pony Express bag on the 31st, I could have them posted that night.
Whats the last day to submit? The farm stuff I can't get around here but I can probably find some on the way to Roswell to pick up the Pony Express bag on the 31st, I could have them posted that night.

I may extend this one. The prize is really nice but there aren't many people in on it yet. I'll leave it til at least the 1st, maybe longer. Will be determined, get out there and take the pictures!!
I was all over this one, had a route planned out and everything. Then my bike got run over. :eek:

If I get it back I still hope to do this. :(
OK, I dunno if I can still enter since I came up w/ the list. It's okay if I'm disqualified, I had fun anyway.

With regard to my news vehicle photo....there are actually no call letters on this vehicle, but it is a vehicle for the local PBS (Public Broadcasting System) TV station and shows their symbol. Probably doesn't even qualify as a "news" vehicle; more of a company vehicle. So it's up to the judges. I did see an actual ABC news van on the highway, but I could not follow it because I was on my way to an appointment. I was sooooooo miffed about that.

The flat tire photo is really poor quality. It's a bicycle that's been sitting in my garage for years and the tire is not only flat, but the rubber is hard and crumbling. It crinkles when I roll the bike around; it's sad. I put a closeup inset photo.
good pics crabby..

hey steph, decided on if it is getting extended? if so i will be able to get the last 2 i need proper

the best i could do for a news vehicle is a local radio station (that dont even have a "company" van anymore.

OK, I have just a few, but wanted to go ahead and post them, so you guys know that someone else is working on this, too! :)
My bike (far left) with a big boat:
View attachment 21253
My bike (far left) with a farm tractor:
View attachment 21254
My bike with a human powered vehicle:
Hard to see, but the big blue thing on the other side of the lake is a paddle boat:
View attachment 21255
A couple more:
with a "vintage" vehicle:
View attachment 21305
With one vehicle towing/pushing/pulling another:
View attachment 21306
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Got a few more on my loop of New Mexico today. Still looking for a garbage truck (missed it Friday:mad:) and the News Van. I know the local news station has an action team van (actually I'm pretty sure its an Escape) so I will swing by there if there is an extension and hopefully it will be parked.

Here's my horse-powered vehicle (behind the fence):

And my farm tractor, found it at my first stop of the day:

And finally a car with a flat tire (found this in a pseudo ghost town on the way to Roswell, only one house in the whole area, nobody in sight anywhere, but plenty of places that looked like this):
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I have some ideas written down for a few hunts, but 1) I don't want to step on anybody's toes, and 2) I wouldn't know what to do about prizes. Steph obviously has some stuff going on in real life that keeps her from away from the scavenger hunt in her virtual life. Hope all's well. Let me know if I can help.