'86 fz600


Junior Member
Aug 30, 2009
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Edmonton, AB
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Hey all,

New to the forums here. Just stumbled across it and it seems like a great forum with lots of info floating around. Figured I would share my experiences with my bike so far, maybe get a bit of feedback, maybe even help a person or two with my posts. I've been writing everything I'm doing into a text file. It isn't organized in any particular order but outlines most of what I've done and found out so far.

Picked up a 1986 FZ600, only 29,000 km. Looks to be in pretty good condition, new brakes and tires, minor crack in the fairing that was plastic welded back together. Pictures made it look a lot worse then it looks in person. Loosing some power someplace. Overall speeds seem to be good (60 in 1st before redline), but acceleration isn't there. Every so often it pulls nicely for a second, I can feel the front end trying to come up, but most of the time not so much.

Pulled the clutch out. Clutch plates and friction discs are all good. Two springs are a little out of spec, ordered 5 new ones to replace them all. One of the "teeth" is broken on the basket. Guy at my dealer says it shouldn't effect anything so long as another one doesn't go. He's a bit concerned that if one went, others might not be far behind due to the metal possibly being weak. At $300 for a replacement basket, not sure what to do. He thinks it should be fine as long as I'm not hard on it. Waiting on new gasket to seal it up again.

All 4 spark plugs have quite a bit of carbon buildup. My guess from reading the manual would have been a good cleaning should be good enough, but decided to replace them all based on the advice of my neighbor who's a car mechanic.

Valve clearance: All over the place. One is as low as 0.038 mm. Another is 0.200 mm. Should be in the 0.11 - 0.16 mm range. Waiting on a tool so I can start pulling the shims to see what size they are so I know what size I need to replace them with. I sure appreciate just turning a screw to adjust the valve clearance in my CBR now.

Adjusted throttle free-play, was very tight, now have the recommended slack. Clutch was tight as well, will properly adjust it when I put it all back together.

Drained oil, wasn't bad looking. Bit dark but otherwise clean. Oil filter looked to be long overdue for a replacement, so that's done.

Air filter needs a bit of a cleaning, nothing major. Will take a can of air to it.

Fuel gauge was not working, constantly at empty. Gauge seemed fine so pulled the .. thinger out of the fuel tank. Took it apart, wire was broken and a bit crispy looking at one end. Cut out the bad part and soldered it back together, resistance was still within spec. Hooked it up to the bike and tested it out, needle covers the full range on the gauge from empty to full. Had a bit of a "Crap.." moment when I went to put it back in the tank, so hopefully I put it back in the tank facing the right direction... :p

Still need to clean the carbs. Only carb cleaner I've been able to find is the type you add to your fuel and cleans as you ride, dealer recommended throttle body cleaner to give it a good cleaning when taking it apart.

When I was taking the gas tank off the vacuum line was disconnected. My first thought was that it just came off when I lifted the tank, but when I took the fuel line off I really had to fight with it to disconnect it and that really made me wonder if the vacuum line was already disconnected. Need to find out if this would explain the lack of power or if the bike would even run like that.

PO claimed there was a problem with the battery, said it wasn't charging while riding and thus needed to be recharged quite often. Drained it to about 12v, went for a ride, and it was up to 12.4v so not worried about the charging system at the moment. Battery seems to be holding the charge thus far. Maybe PO only took it on short rides where the startup drained more then the ride recharged? *shrugs*

Overheats after about 30 minutes of riding. Idle became a bit erratic, sitting up at 2500 to 3000 for a while when I was stopped at lights, eventually dropping back to normal. When I got to my destination (thankfully!) and it was idling it dropped down to 800-900 for a few seconds before stalling. Let it cool for a bit, took a few tries but finally got it to start again. Made it home without it stalling but same overheating and erratic idle. Haven't checked anything to do with cooling yet, on the to-do list.

Will be testing compression once everything else is done.

Sprockets look good, chain is also in good condition and has proper slack.

Going to clean up some of the wiring. Some of the plastic wire covers are cracking, and tape is peeling.

Want to see if the Radian exhaust (dual pipes) will mount nicely. Wouldn't mind having 4 into 2 instead of 4 into 2 into 1.

Repainting the fairings? Hmmm...
I myself have only taken one so far, of it stripped down. Have a few from the guy I bought the bike from, though.

In other news, carbs are done and back in the bike, I have the new gasket so I'll be sealing the clutch up again tomorrow, and I've figured out what size shims I need so now I'm just waiting until Tuesday for my dealer to be open to pick some up.
congrats on the purchase, an '86 FZ600 was my third (and only new) bike,
it was one of the best handling street bikes of it's era, though not really
a speedster, 2 valve air cooled mill, kind of dated even at that time, it was
basically the 400 frame with the trusty old FJ600 engine shoe horned in, but
it was a great combo...anyway, reading about your issues, stalling, erratic idle,
inconsitent acceleration, the first thing I was gonna suggest with a 23 year
old bike with 29K on it was to do the carbs, it's obviously done a lot of sitting
and I see you've done them...what was the outcome? how is the gas tank?
anyway, good luck, that's a great piece of Yamaha history you have there
Carbs actually weren't at all as bad as I was expecting. Now that I have the airbox hooked up again, I think that it wasn't seated far enough forwards before, it's about half a cm further forward then when I first disconnected it. I didn't inspect the seal before I took it off so I can't say for sure but it's making me wonder if it wasn't sealing properly before.

Gas tank seems ok. There was a bit of rust on the fuel guage part that sits in the tank but from what I can tell the inside of the tank itself is in good condition.

Clutch went back together with no problems today. Wasn't a lot of fun getting the old gasket scrapped off, but didn't take too long. Bashed my thumb pretty good. Now just waiting for Tuesday for the dealer to be open.
looks great!! mines all red atm till i can afford a decent spray job...i got Predator stainless steel exhaust system on it...had to replace exhaust gaskets and have a snapped stud drilled out...then seal the exhaust up properly cos it was blowing from all joints...LO never thought to use fire-gum.

Also changed the oil 3 times now in a month...once cos i just got it and figured id change oil n plugs anyhow...then i noticed the right hand side crankcase oil plug was leaking cos it had been damaged...when i removed it i found epoxy resin on the inside...£4 for a bloody oil plug and LO glues it in?? jeez....so i flushed it with fresh oil changed the oil filter just in case any epoxy resin was in the engine..then added fresh oil again.

Also replaced clutch cable, front indicators, all the clocks cos one was taped together...replaced left hand switch gear old one was off a diff bike...had to buy heel plates cos they were missing...fixed (hopefully) the charging system cos the bike would stall with lights on after 20 miles...think it was a stuck bush in the genny!!....bike runs ok atm, ive done 2500 miles in 2 months of owning it lol...handles really well so much so i out did a Suzuki Bandit 600 on the twisty bits lol.... got a mate who's gonna check the valves and cam chain over for me when he gets some space in his garage...

I notice u have cut down back panels on ur bike ...they look slick! plus it looks cool semi naked...i dont have the 3 piece fairing, i have a 2 piece aftermarket jobby i think!

have added pics..these ones are the ones the last owner took when he posted it on EBAY, bike is still red but ive cleaned it up a bit and as said above added new parts!!
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Valves adjusted, replaced 4 shims. New spark plugs, flushed out the gas tank and it was pretty clean as I thought. Put in a new fuel filter. Pet**** has a slow leak, not exactly sure where, going to see if I can track it down tomorrow.

Put 50km on her, power is vastly improved, and no more over heating. Pretty sure she's running a bit rich, but that's something to ponder a bit more when it isn't 1 in the morning.
Pet**** has a slow leak, not exactly sure where, going to see if I can track it down tomorrow..

My petc0ck was leaking too!! i found out it was that little O-ring washer behind the on/off knob or in our case reserve/on tap....i removed the 2 little screws from the tap and noticed the rubber seal was worn so replaced it and now it doesnt leak...
I'm pretty sure my leak was where it actually screws in to the tank itself so I put some ... That goopy stuff to help it seal, can't think of the name >.>

I checked the o-ring washer you're talking about and mine looked sorta shot. Waiting for goopy stuff to cure so I can flip the tank over and see if it's still leaking or not. If it is that'll be my next step.
I myself have only taken one so far, of it stripped down. Have a few from the guy I bought the bike from, though.

In other news, carbs are done and back in the bike, I have the new gasket so I'll be sealing the clutch up again tomorrow, and I've figured out what size shims I need so now I'm just waiting until Tuesday for my dealer to be open to pick some up.

What is the shim diameter you needed?