April 2010 Scavenger Hunt


you have a headlight out :BLAA:
I'm guessing next to something "barley" - is that beer you have brewing there?

Yep, 9 gallons of pale ale waiting patiently for kegging/bottling time :thumbup:

I would have loved a pic of the 20 pounds of malted barley I used to make that, but it's long gone in my compost heap.
I just checked the 'INGREDIENTS' list on my multigrain saltines, and guess what they have??? BARLEY!!! So I am going to use the same pic as I did for the unleavened bread.

My bike with BARLEY:
View attachment 26572

OK, I am borrowing my friend's baby on the next good day to ride (thunderstorms here now). Still need a goat/sheep, and I have a synagogue near work, so hopefully the weather will cooperate soon for a ride to work.
Don't get discouraged if the weather isn't great for you yet. You have until the 28th, and all the pics I posted already were taken in the span of an hour! :thumbup:
Bumpity bump!
You guys aren't gonna let me win by default, are ya? :spank:
Dean put too much work into this!!
Let's see some pics!!
7 ...with an Easter Bunny

8 ...with some Easter Eggs

These will be EXTREMELY hard to get now......the weather was not good for some of us at the beginning of the month, which, of course, is when Easter was....so.....

You just might win this Beth!

maybe I can get some of the others just for fun.....
You go, Beth! We still got snow in the mountains and frost in the AM. Those few nice days we had in early April were a nasty teaser. So....I'm shooting for the next hunt!
7 ...with an Easter Bunny

8 ...with some Easter Eggs

These will be EXTREMELY hard to get now......the weather was not good for some of us at the beginning of the month, which, of course, is when Easter was....so.....

You just might win this Beth!

maybe I can get some of the others just for fun.....

OH, just use your imagination!! Got a few eggs and some markers in the house?
Add a bit of color and you've got Easter Eggs (You don't even have to boil them, if you balance them on your seat carefully!!) In the words of OMG_WTF: "Boom, problem solved!" :D
Got a stuffed bunny (or a store that sells them?) Boom, problem solved! :D
Anything in the house that says "multi-grain?" I bet it has barley in it! Boom, problem solved! :D
Got wraps in the kitchen? There's your unleavened bread. Boom, problem solved! :D
You can get several of these items without even leaving the house! ;)
So let's get going!! :wav::wav::wav:
OK, now that I got that pep talk out of the way, here is my next photo:
Your bike with a sheep/lamb or goat. (I got all three in there!)
View attachment 26973

OK, now, catch me if you can!!! (insert evil laugh here) :Flip:
7 ...with an Easter Bunny

8 ...with some Easter Eggs

These will be EXTREMELY hard to get now......the weather was not good for some of us at the beginning of the month, which, of course, is when Easter was....so.....

i was afraid of this when making the list since easter was at the start of the month. but i'm sure if you take a little time to get creative you could swing it. besides, if it were easy it wouldn't be much of a hunt would it? :D
Hi. I'm Eddie and I want to play. I don't have a Yamaha but am searching the ads daily to get an FZ6. I think it would make a better long distance tourer than my BMW 650.

I was in Moab for Easter, so I missed out on the Easter stuff, but I think my substitutes will get a laugh.

If I am ineligible to win due to my current bike, that's fine. I just want to play along. I am two pictures short with three days to go. Tick tock...