SA Fizzers....let's go for a spin!


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2008
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Rightio, it's been a while, and getting us SA boys together for a decent ride has always proven to be hard work, but i am having another go!

Sunday April 10...that's about 10 days away...

Early morning start, 8.30am at Macca's on Magill Rd.

Corner of Magill Road & Ashbrook Ave, Trinity Gardens.

Yep, a Muffin and a coffee, then we are off! Leaving Macca's at 9.30am...for those of us that think 8.30am is far too indecent!

Destination...where else, but the Adelaide Hills! Am thinking a speed limit run to Strathalbyn for a 40 minute coffee break, then onto Cudlee Creek for a spot of lunch...then home via Lobethal road, Mt Lofty, and the Eagle...

I assume Mikey will be along on the mighty FZ1, And pretty sure he will volunteer to be the "Sweeper", making sure we dont lose anyone...

I will assume the role of ride "Captain"...and will be on my best behaviour, maintaining a comfortable, and legal pace at the front...there will be NO straight line stupidity. I could be riding 2up, if Jess aint working, and i havent sold Pinky by then, as i know she is keen for a ride...

I will wait at every turn off for EVERYONE, and Mike and i will be in communication via Sena & Mobile phone, so it should be a well organised, safe, and comfortable ride for all...

You can bring anyone you like, pillions, and other mates on any old bike they have sitting around...

Finish time will be approximately 2.30pm. Distance covered from Macca's to the Tollgate is about

There is coffee, or beer back at my joint after, if anyone wants to make a day of it, and if your lucky, you might even get your chain adjusted, or some air put in your tyres, if you have been slack, and your bike needs some loving....

What about it people, beats sitting at home watching CrApFL!!!

Here is the full rub!

Meeting point & time: Mc Donalds, Corner of Magill Road & Ashbrook Ave, Trinity Gardens. 8.30am.
Departure time: 9.30am sharp.
First stop: Garage Motorcycles, Strathalbyn -10.50am. (Coffee & Durrie's)
Distance travelled to first stop: 80km's.
Time at stop:45 minutes
Departure time from Strathalbyn: 11.35am.
Second Stop : Cudlee Creek Cafe - 12.40pm. (Lunch)
Distance travelled to second stop: 57km's.
Time at stop: 1 hour.
Departure Time from Cudlee Creek: 1.40pm.
Finish Point: Tollgate, South Eastern Freeway
Distance to finish: 40km's
Finish time:2.30pm.

[Lurker extraordinar pokes head in...]

10th is no good for me. The wife is having an operation on her foot on the 8th, I'll be playing nurse (you'd think she was having the foot amputated the way she's fretting over it), also have to fill in for her at Vinnies in the afternoon.

[Lurker extraordinar pokes head in...]

10th is no good for me. The wife is having an operation on her foot on the 8th, I'll be playing nurse (you'd think she was having the foot amputated the way she's fretting over it), also have to fill in for her at Vinnies in the afternoon.


Give her some Sleeping tablets, and sneak out! :eek:
Pending clearance from the Boss ( no not Bruce Springstein).
Will post up tomorrow with a clearer head and intention. :spank:

I saw you riding home in the rain the other day...was coming back from Callington....was going to toot, but thought that you would'nt hear it...

Would be great to catch have been a bit scarce recently.

I saw you riding home in the rain the other day...was coming back from Callington....was going to toot, but thought that you would'nt hear it...

Would be great to catch have been a bit scarce recently.


Both me and spook shifted house - a fortnight apart. Also recently changed job which has kept me busy. And lets not forget the bicyclist that got airborne recently. Things have been hectic and the budget has been squeezed. I am currently filling out a Third party Insurance form as we speak that seems will cost me another $300.

Spook also got defected last week for a "faulty" indicator....that works! He should have that removed by Friday.

I have been cleared for the day tho so :thumbup:
Well at this point it is looking like it's just another "normal" Sunday ride for Mikey and myself.

I'd be considering canning the ride anyhow. Weather's gonna suck a bit. Need to let Apollo know if we're gonna give it a miss. Tomorrow will be pretty good though.
I'd be considering canning the ride anyhow. Weather's gonna suck a bit. Need to let Apollo know if we're gonna give it a miss. Tomorrow will be pretty good though.

Yeah, if the weather is crap on Sunday Morning, we can make a phone call or two....I have Andy's number in my phone.


As for tomorrow, i think i am going to have to take Pinky, the other bike wont be back from the dynotune joint till later tomorrow....

Yup, they've been calling it for a few days, and it looked like they were on the ball this time.:( On the bright side I did get to go for a good spin on Friday:BLAA::D )
yup it's pishing down outside, and i have a headache to boot! also i dont wanna clean either of my fizzers after a wet ride, one is for sale, and the other is a princess, and takes too long to clean! bugger! next Sunday???