Tornados in the US

That part of the country (south east states ) has been getting hammered from what we see on the news. Thoughts and prayers to all affected.

I grew up in Minnesota and we would get them in the summer-Tornados are so scary.
Alabama got absolutely rocked yesterday. Had one tornado that traveled a total of 170 miles on the ground. Tore through Tuscaloosa and Birmingham. Here in Murfreesboro, TN the tornado sirens ended up going off 3 times through the day, though only the first one hit us directly. I drove around to see the damage today, looks like 3 different parts of Murfreesboro got possible tornados, EF0 at the most. Mainly just trees uprooted laying on some houses. Never have I seen storms like that last ALL DAY. Usually its one or at the most 2 waves with a few tornados. It was just pumping supercell after supercell through!
Alabama got absolutely rocked yesterday. Had one tornado that traveled a total of 170 miles on the ground. Tore through Tuscaloosa and Birmingham. Here in Murfreesboro, TN the tornado sirens ended up going off 3 times through the day, though only the first one hit us directly. I drove around to see the damage today, looks like 3 different parts of Murfreesboro got possible tornados, EF0 at the most. Mainly just trees uprooted laying on some houses. Never have I seen storms like that last ALL DAY. Usually its one or at the most 2 waves with a few tornados. It was just pumping supercell after supercell through!
Glad you're ok :)
I have a buddy on a Home Theater forum that just escaped any damage, but 9 lives were lost in his county in Tennessee. His boss's son took this photo:


:eek: :eek: :eek:
Just a super active year for tornadic activity, worst since 1974 I believe. Must be terrible to have your home and belongings blown to the four winds in about 20 seconds. God bless those affected.
Yeah what Kazza said guys stay safe & hope no members are effected , been keeping a close eye on the twisters from Oz (the things fascinate me) coz chasing one is right at the top of my bucket list :thumbup: