GSG Mototechnik Peg Lowering Kit


Junior Member
Jun 22, 2011
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Just installed this kit.
I got the 2" lowering (50mm).

The build quality and looks are good. They did send me a set of bolts that were too short and no installation instructions. The bolts were easily replaced with some from the pile in the workshop and no instructions were needed.

I like that you have 8 different positions available. I have mine in 135 degrees clockwise (part back and part down). This gives me much needed extra space for my feet (size 15 US :D ) as well as some extra leg room.

It's not immediately possible to use the 180 degree position (straight down) because you can't adjust the gear shifter down enough to make that usable. Maybe with a new gear shifter thrown in it could be doable.

I like the set - I can ride longer without cramping up in my calves. Two issues: a) there's an increase in vibration around 6k rpm compared with the stock pegs and b) the new pegs move your feet out about an inch compared to the stock pegs making it harder to shift gears (you have to point your toes slightly inwards) and you sometimes put your feet down on the mounting points instead of the pegs themselves.

Overall: Nice build quality, an extra couple of screws that can come loose (and did when I dropped the bike) but are easily retightened. Looks are good, gear shifting a bit of an issue but you get used to it in a hurry. Comfort is definitely increased.

More vibration? Yes.
Annoying on long trips? Possibly.
Better than having your knees qround your ears? Definitely.

I'm going to be looking into getting a different gear shifter though.

PS: I'll get wifi and upload pics. later.

Although I moved my pegs up and it was more comfortable. I used the setback plates that used to be sold on here. Of course I have Rizoma bars that are almost straight compared to the stock bars. So maybe that's why. :don'tknow:
ok a bit late better than never I spose....I don't know of any US distributor but I'm sure they'll ship internationally. Or you could email them and ask - they were extremely helpful and courteous over email with me.