SKYRIM: The game to rule all games


Ambitious But Rubbish
Mar 28, 2011
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Rochester, NY
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Yep, i'm obsessed. The reason i haven't been on the forum (my 2nd addiction) Is because i've got 160 hours into my new favorite console game of all time!
I've gone and made a Nord (yeah i went with the theme :D) 160+ hours into it and theres still plenty to be done. Seriously if you don't have it yet and enjoy open world rpgs, this MUST go on your xmas list!
This was a welcome relief to come a few days after the disappointment that was modern warfare 3 (IMO).... I really didn't know how a game could be better than Oblivion (Skyrim's predecessor) but Bethesda did it...

For those who are unaware of it's existence:
[ame=]Skyrim Live Action Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

Dovahkiin unite!
(yes i'm aware i'm probably the forums biggest nerd to date, but hey, somebody's got to represent :rockon:)

Anybody else been playing obsessively? :D

P.S. Try not to let out hard as it is not to (i know) ;)
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I've got so many friends who say the same, I know I need this game, but based I also know I wouldn't ever leave the house again... Managed to rack up 80+ hours on Fallout New Vegas and that is nowhere near as vast or detailed as I hear Skyrim is!
I love Fallout New Vegas -- and I've been playing way too much Battlefield. I would have to quit work if I bought Skyrim.
From my perspective Skyrim is a never ending life draining event, however my daughter is completely obsessed over this game and has racked up countless hours on it. E crack is what I see it as, but to those who know gaming, it is the pinnacle of the series to end all!!!

No way i could devote that many hours to a single game, I'd have to kill myself, but according to my daughter I just... "don't get it"...

She's in college and works, but devotes more hours to this than I can count....

Oh well...:rolleyes:
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I know a lot of people playing it on PC and it has devoured their lives and actually might end up getting some good friends divorced :( not even joking. The game has caused him to neglect his wife and duties except for work.......

Anyways played fall out 3, it was fun. I quit after a good month of playing. I have fall out new vegas still unopened on my shelf. And have been addicted to dead island for the past month level 38 and still love it.

I have to say im afraid to get skyrim for the ps3, not sure my social life could handle it LOL :rockon:
I know a lot of people playing it on PC and it has devoured their lives and actually might end up getting some good friends divorced :( not even joking. The game has caused him to neglect his wife and duties except for work.......

Anyways played fall out 3, it was fun. I quit after a good month of playing. I have fall out new vegas still unopened on my shelf. And have been addicted to dead island for the past month level 38 and still love it.

I have to say im afraid to get skyrim for the ps3, not sure my social life could handle it LOL :rockon:

A)I suffered relationship problems when Oblivion came out... didn't know how to balance games and women properly :spank:

B) Heard PS3 is having major bug issues that pc and 360 aren't, but i just put the cd in and had to download somethin for skyrim and they said patches coming "after thanksgiving", so hopefully they're workin on it :thumbup:

Definitely a life-consuming game if you're not careful... Anyone whose played an MMORPG knows what i'm on about (yes my level of nerd-dom gets higher and higher with every passing moment lol...

Between skyrim and playing MW3 with my friend (as much as i dislike it), my life has no free time, add a full time 3rd shift job to that and you can guess my Work/Game/Women balancing act is rather interesting lol
Re: SKYRIM: The game to rule all games


Played it now for 48 hours and barely scratched the surface. I've only managed to finish the Thieves Guild quest line, but that's without any of the side quests.
In the last 15 hours I've just been clearing out small quests, that have built up during play, but I actually think I have more quests now.
It's just an unending stream of brilliance..

In the last week I've been tweaking the settings to get as much eye candy as possible on a stock Skyrim..
The vistas are beautiful now, and I can play it at 25-30 FPS(1080p on high with distances maxed) in the countryside,
with a few dips when my dual-core is pushed too its knees :D
Hopefully the modders are working hard on getting the HD 2k textures done:rockon::rockon:

All hail Hefnir, the Nord Nightingale battlemage

PS: Cute little video with a girl, who gets a lesson about bullying. Skyrim style :thumbup:

Disclaimer:The girl is really loud(Shout practice), so on with headphones and turn the volume down if your at work.
[ame=]Child vs Skyrim - YouTube[/ame]
Elder Scrolls III is the REASON i bought the original xbox. I've bought every morrowind since, including skyrim. I really wish I could put 160 hours into it though.

I put in 120 hours in the last 2 weeks at work so I have BARELY gotten to scratch the surface. But from what i played (maybe 5 hours), it really is the best rpg I've ever played. The new combat system is SWEET, especially that your skill level doesn't effect IF you hit but rather how much damage you do. Plus the new perk tree is an awesome feature too.

I really feel like this is a game you can play endlessly for the rest of time and you still won't run out of things to do. Apparently, from what I hear, there are infinitely and randomly generated quests. For example, if you kill somebody - another person in their family may find you and try to kill you, which would spawn a quest to uncover a skooma ring (just an example). I really am debating taking a month off of work JUST to play skyrim.