SA Fizzers....let's go for a spin!

I am thinking group ride and BBQ breakfast & lunch at my place on the 17th or 18th of March.

Any takers?

JayJay, I work tomorrow night, so would be keen for a ride tomorrow morning if you're interested! (next day off Tuesday, then back for another 6)

Lemme know!

JayJay, I work tomorrow night, so would be keen for a ride tomorrow morning if you're interested! (next day off Tuesday, then back for another 6)

Lemme know!


I am supposed to be going for a ride in the morning, but i think i am going to bail...7.30am start is just silly IMHO!

Will definitely be heading out on Sunday, bout lunch time as usual. Also heading out on Monday, and Thursday, next 3 main riding days, every week....the 3 days when my little one is at his mums during the day!


Well, sorta good news!

My Monday night shift was given to someone more deserving (apparently...)

So, after a bit of a sleep Monday morning, after knocking off at 0600 (home by 0715) I'll be good to go!

Look forward to it!

One of the guys at work has just picked himself up an '09 GSXR600 and he's keen for a ride tomorrow as well - so if you're about somewhere Wolfman, can I suggest 1400 at the BP Crafers?

If this suits, I'll tell Ben and hopefully we can have a few more join in!

One of the guys at work has just picked himself up an '09 GSXR600 and he's keen for a ride tomorrow as well - so if you're about somewhere Wolfman, can I suggest 1400 at the BP Crafers?

If this suits, I'll tell Ben and hopefully we can have a few more join in!


Ihave already set up a meet at the Mobil servo, at the bottom of the Freeway, by the toll gate, for 1pm....

We are riding from there to Strath, then through to Callington, Nairne, and home via Lobethal road, and the Eagle....about 175km loop.

You guys are welcome to join us...pace will be spirited, but not stupid!

Might see if we can meet somewhere along the way?

For me to be at the Mobil by 1250, I'd have to leave home by no later than 1220, meaning I'd have to be up by midday. (and I needs my sleep - that extra hour could make all the difference!!)

Any chance you can arrange to be in or close to Crafers (or even closer to Mt Barker) around 1400?

I probably wont get your reply 'til I wake up, hopefully around 1300, so if this isn't possible, we'll probably catch ya next time.


EDIT: As Ben lives in Nairne, maybe we could work something out there?
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Hmm choices!
Due to shoulder not being 100% Ill give Wolfs spirited ride a miss.
Spook and I will be ready to ride from 1ish. Keen to catch up mave

May be we could all catch up at Nairne on their way back?
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Might see if we can meet somewhere along the way?

For me to be at the Mobil by 1250, I'd have to leave home by no later than 1220, meaning I'd have to be up by midday. (and I needs my sleep - that extra hour could make all the difference!!)

Any chance you can arrange to be in or close to Crafers (or even closer to Mt Barker) around 1400?

I probably wont get your reply 'til I wake up, hopefully around 1300, so if this isn't possible, we'll probably catch ya next time.


EDIT: As Ben lives in Nairne, maybe we could work something out there?

Hmm choices!
Due to shoulder not being 100% Ill give Wolfs spirited ride a miss.
Spook and I will be ready to ride from 1ish. Keen to catch up mave

May be we could all catch up at Nairne on their way back?

I reckon we will be at Nairne by about happy to meet people out the front of the Pub on the main street at 3pm....

Ok, Ben has to babysit, but I've organised to meet with him, at his place about 1430, then we'll go up to this pub to meet the rest of you at 1500.

Where and when do you want to meet up JayJay and Spook? (Maybe BP Mt Barker at 1400?)

As for the shoulder, JayJay, no worries - a smooth comfortable ride to Nairne and we'll meet up with the Wolfman, and you and I can hang off the back, if you'd prefer.

Was good to catch up today boys, we were running late, due to a couple of things...getting pulled over for a License & Rego drama, except time spent warbling on at the side of the road....then i lost my rear seat of the TRX....didnt put it back on after i took it off to get my license out of the TRX's "boot"...yes the underseat storage is that huge that i call it a boot!

Gazza was riding behind me, and saw it fly off, he stopped, i didnt, then when i realised the Kwaka was no longer behind me, i stopped, and rang Gazza, no reply....then i realised why he stopped....

I went to put my seat back on after using my phone, and i had no seat!!!

LOL! Blonde moment of the day.....there were more! :D

Anyway, i finally found Gazza, we got back on the move, but 45 minutes behind were we should of been! We werent game to leg it to hard to catch up time, as it was a public holiday today, double demerit points, i had a nearly bald rear tyre, and the boys in blue were out in force....they even had the chopper out down Strathalbyn way....cheeky buggers!

Moral of the storey is that i needed to be back at my joint by 4.30pm, to go pick up my son...and didnt have much time to waste....

i got home at 4.20pm...

hope you guys enjoyed chasing Gazza and me down Lobethal road...even if it was a bit slippery today....

Great ride yesterday!

After Wolfman and JayJay split up at Crafers (I wanted to keep riding, but JayJay was going home) I tried to find Wolfman - but he was GONE!

So, I headed into town and ran the Eagle on the Hill 4 times, then went to HJs on Belair Rd and thought I'd go home via Belair Rd.

Well, I got well and truly lost, which wasn't such a bad thing as the roads are fantastic, and there was little traffic.

I tried following street signs of places that I'd heard of - and when I saw one that was 'Victor Harbour - 30kms' I sorta knew that was the wrong direction!

Then I saw a sign that said 'Adelaide - 59' to the left and 'Murray Bridge - 30' to the right, and thought, I don't want to go back toward Adelaide - Mt Barker's gotta be here somewhere!

So I kept riding!

Anyway, I ended up going through Strathalbyn (got confused between Stirling and Strathalbyn)

I had a full tank, so just kept riding, I didn't stress, didn't pull over and had a really relaxing, spirited cruise - I knew sooner or later I'd get to somewhere I'd either been before (like Murray Bridge) or somewhere I'd heard of, like Victor Harbour, so knew I could get home!

As far as I can tell, here is a map of my cruise (I remember Clarendon, Kanagrilla & Strathalbyn, that map is 96kms - but I also remember heading back toward Crafers and going through Mylor - so I actually did closer to 120kms....)


EDIT: Oh, Mick and Jamie, bumping my rear shock up got rid of the chicken strips on the front tyre, and didn't drag the pegs on a mid-corner dip too - thanks for the advice!
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