"One Week" a dude and his bike


2 Da Street, Knobs R Gone
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Mar 16, 2011
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Talking about movies is not my thing but this seemed worthy of sharing as its guy burdened with a heavy load and he buys a bike to travel and see the sights. It seemed well done and if you have nothing cued up, throw this one in there. Norton - FZ6, ya it could be one of us. Lets hope not. . .

"One Week" is a 2008 Canadian film directed by Michael McGowan and starring Joshua Jackson, Liane Balaban, and Campbell Scott. The film debuted at the Toronto Film Festival on September 8, 2008 and was released theatrically on March 6, 2009
Good flick especially of you are riding. One of the side effects (good one imho) - whole movie is like one big commercial for Canada, we really have a beautifull country :rockon:
The Timmie's appearances throughout the movie are awesome.
Mind you, I'm really liking Mickey D's coffee lately.

For the Americans here, what I really said is..

The appearances throughout the movie depicting our beloved Tim Horton's coffee are well done.
Even though I thoroughly enjoy my Tim Horton's coffee, lately I have been having McDonald's coffee which seems to have a very nice flavor as well.

I saw that on Netflix and was wondering if it was good. Sweet.

As for coffee, I'm lucky enough to be able to get stuff that's locally roasted.

As for "Murica", I did rewatch Red Dawn, Sunday. :D :D. Hey, I was a kid in the 80s.
I saw that on Netflix and was wondering if it was good. Sweet.

As for coffee, I'm lucky enough to be able to get stuff that's locally roasted.

yep Netflix. . .

As for the coffee - there is the brown stuff in the cup every morning which I must have daily and then i see the main character gets a nice dose of "COFFEE" about half way through the movie.
PS - She's simply adorable!!!