Facebook FZ6 Freinds....

The Toecutter

Hero for Hire
Premium Member
Dec 17, 2008
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Hey you know sometimes we disapear form the site for awhile.... SORRY! but I thought Hey lets Post our facebook links here so we can find each other! :BLAA: all you have to do is go to your face book account then copy and paste the link here in your reply... could not be easier... Donnie Burns | Facebook also we could put it in our signatures...
Hey you know sometimes we disapear form the site for awhile.... SORRY! but I thought Hey lets Post our facebook links here so we can find each other! :BLAA: all you have to do is go to your face book account then copy and paste the link here in your reply... could not be easier... Donnie Burns | Facebook also we could put it in our signatures...

Yes you DO disappear and I always wonder where you are :spank:

Sorry, I'm one of the few people who absolutely refuses to join "stalkbook"

Sorry Donny, although I’m on facebook I generally only use it for family stuff. I have become a bit paranoid about using it too much after a mate of mine (a cop) showed me how he uses it in his work , and how easy it is to form a complete profile of someone from (among other things) their facebook account :eek:. He also showed me how easy it was to get info from other social and public websites, and since then I’ve been more careful with the stuff I put on line.
So I hope you’ll still be visiting us every once in a while and stay in touch :thumbup:
Sorry Donny, although I’m on facebook I generally only use it for family stuff. I have become a bit paranoid about using it too much after a mate of mine (a cop) showed me how he uses it in his work , and how easy it is to form a complete profile of someone from (among other things) their facebook account :eek:. He also showed me how easy it was to get info from other social and public websites, and since then I’ve been more careful with the stuff I put on line.
So I hope you’ll still be visiting us every once in a while and stay in touch :thumbup:

Yes Marten, but, with a face like that, who's not gonna know who you are where ever you go!?!? :p
Nasty place, Facebook is. Some of the worst malware on the internet. I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with ghostry and Facebook scares me. Even with daily security updates. This site has 4 trackers. I didn't bother to look and see what they were, since they were auto-blocked and it requires effort to go back and see what exactly was attacking my computer.
I find that FB is an unfortunate turn for mankind. The more we use it to "keep in touch" with friends and family, the more we limit our actual human social interaction. It's a bummer that I sometimes don't find out about things/events until later than everyone else, but that's a price I'm willing to pay.

Oh, and then there's the security thing:

Amazing mind reader reveals his 'gift' - YouTube
I know what you mean I tend to get really active then disappear for a spell. I'm on FB all the time :spank: and I have become friends with a few of the members here too. I am also on the FZ6 FB page too.

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For those of you who are on there; I suggest this.... As all these sources meld together our privacy is up for grabs...

Don't say you weren't warned!!!

((COPY & PASTE to your friends on FacePlant))

"PLEASE & THANK YOU!!! FacePLANT has changed their privacy settings once more!!
Due to the new "graph app" anyone on FacePLANT (including other countries ) can see your pictures, likes & comments. I want to stay PRIVATELY connected with you. I post things for family & friends that I don't want strangers to have access to.
This happens when friends click "like" or "comment"....automatically, their friends would see our posts, too. Unfortunately, we cannot change this setting by ourselves because FacePLANT configured it that way. PLEASE place your mouse over my name above (DO NOT CLICK), a window will appear, now move the mouse on "FRIENDS" (also without clicking), then down to "settings", click here and a list will appear. REMOVE the CHECK on "LIFE EVENTS and "COMMENTS & LIKES". By doing this, my activity among my friends and family will no longer become public.
Now, copy & paste this on your wall. Once I see this posted on your page, I will do the same"