The Story of My First Crash 12-2-2012

Ok, you guys can also begin to give me grief but I think I'm going to put an offer on the Fz1 I found. I sat on a 2013 Fz1 today for a lil bit and the ergonomics are just that much easier on my body. I loved my little Fz6 and actually got sad after I signed the title over. But with the vibration, fear that I had stripped the spark plug, body parts going numb on long rides, etc I feel lucky that I am getting out of it.

I may get another Fz6 if the numbers dont' work out on the 1 but I'm a mean negotiator so we'll see how it goes.

After realizing how quick a crash can take place and how important road conditions are, I will definitely be a lot more cautious in the future regardless of the bike.

Honestly it really sucks that the only big and tall guy bikes are the HD, Cruisers or eggh a Goldwing.

Only you can decide these things for yourself. I can't say I'd make the same decision, but that's just me. The FZ1 is an amazing bike, but it is by no means a beginner bike. And let's be honest, you wrecked your FZ6 less than a month after taking the BRC. We all just want you to ride smart, and ride safely, regardless of what bike it is on.
So, I thought I would give an update.

Physically I am doing better. I am no longer nearly as sore. My collar bone bruise seems to be getting better. My headache is still present but is about 50% better. I have no other concussion symptoms. (Best part of all of it, is I got a job offer out of seeing the doc that took care of me, we are ironing out the details to see if it will work out, but it looks good. I have been more or less out of of regular work since March).

Motorcycle. My Fz6 was totaled. I was sad when I signed over the title as is it was my first bike and I did have a little crush on her. I am watching the website that will hold the auction for her and hope that I can get her back for cheap. I would turn her into a naked/street figther and possibly get up to the track. As for a new bike I ended up putting money down on a '09 Fz1. I am excited and scared at the same time. I sat on one a good 10 minutes at the dealership by me. I didn't get any hand/shoulder discomfort at all, opposed to my Fz6 that I would start squirming around after 5 minutes of riding. I am looking forward to the better ergonomics for my body and from what the Fz1 forum members said with no vibration in thier bikes.

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I got the Fz1 on a good enough deal that I can ride her for a little bit and if I feel she is too much bike get rid of it without much of a loss at all. Thanks to ERCI and RSW for all the good advice. I'm not trying to be reckless, but I just think I will eventually end up on a bike like the Fz1 and although it may be a little early I think with a little self control I think I can safely grow into it.

ERCI, since you are a MSF Instructor, I have a few questions. I was intending to jump to the Total Control rider class but instead now it looks like I will be starting with the Advanced Rider Course on Jan. 5th. I'm skipping the Confident Rider Course because the stuff they listed in the description didn't sound like enough for me. Do you think since I did go down I should step all the way down to the Confident Rider Course? (the funny thing is the Advanced class is on Saturday and the Confident Class is on Sunday)
Welcome to the dark side, Sky! No way in the world will you decide to let this one go because it's too much! Just respect it and it will treat you very well and give you a huge smile every time you (properly) get on the throttle.

We offer BRC2 (which is probably what they call "Confident Class" in your neck of the woods) and it's essentially day 2 of the BRC (finesse exercises), but on your own bike. While it's not very challenging, it IS a very good class for a relatively new rider. It allows you to get a really good feel for your bike, in terms of maximum breaking and tight turns.

The more advanced class is called ARC. Exercises are definitely a bit more challenging in this one. Funny.. in our last MSF meeting we actually discussed possibly making BRC2 a prerequisite for ARC, because we've had some riders sign up for ARC who would probably fail BRC :eek:

If you can take both, go for it. If you can take just one, ARC will be more interesting, but it's difficult for me to say which one will be more beneficial to you.

I do think and hope you will benefit from either.
I was intending to jump to the Total Control rider class but instead now it looks like I will be starting with the Advanced Rider Course on Jan. 5th.

Total Control with LEE PARKS, is the best class I have ever took. Good choice on upgrading the bike. You should pick a bike that fits your size. Being uncomfortable and awkward on a motorcycle is far more dangerous riding a bike that has more power.
Welcome to the dark side, Sky! No way in the world will you decide to let this one go because it's too much! Just respect it and it will treat you very well and give you a huge smile every time you (properly) get on the throttle.

We offer BRC2 (which is probably what they call "Confident Class" in your neck of the woods) and it's essentially day 2 of the BRC (finesse exercises), but on your own bike. While it's not very challenging, it IS a very good class for a relatively new rider. It allows you to get a really good feel for your bike, in terms of maximum breaking and tight turns.

The more advanced class is called ARC. Exercises are definitely a bit more challenging in this one. Funny.. in our last MSF meeting we actually discussed possibly making BRC2 a prerequisite for ARC, because we've had some riders sign up for ARC who would probably fail BRC :eek:

If you can take both, go for it. If you can take just one, ARC will be more interesting, but it's difficult for me to say which one will be more beneficial to you.

I do think and hope you will benefit from either.

I will probably do both. The CRC (BRC2) is only $100 for a sunday (Jan 6th) of practice. The ARC is $150 for another Sunday (Feb 3rd). I'm sorry but I don't get why people don't throw down the money for the courses. I whole heartedly believe the few skills I learned at the BRC helped save my life.

The MSF group by me doesnt' require any prerequisite courses but suggest them. The only prerequisite for any classes other than having your own gear and motorcycle is the Total Control I requires a person to have 3000 miles of experiecne befroe taking and strongly encourage the ARC class before. The Total Control II requries a person to take Total Control I before.

Check out the listings here in AZ. I'd be interested if your training group decides to require the prerequisite classes.
TEAM Arizona - Motorcycle Courses
Check out the listings here in AZ. I'd be interested if your training group decides to require the prerequisite classes.
TEAM Arizona - Motorcycle Courses

Some interesting stuff there.. for the BRC2 it says riders are welcome to bring a passenger. We offer 2-up course separately.. we don't mix them.
We don't have official prerequisites.. it was just a thought in last meeting because coaches were shocked how under-developed some of the ARC students were.
So, making the most use of my time while waiting for the new bike to show up I came across this.

[ame=]THE CORNERING BIBLE 'La biblia de las curvas' Part1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]THE CORNERING BIBLE 'La biblia de las curvas' Part2 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]THE CORNERING BIBLE 'La biblia de las curvas' Part3 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]THE CORNERING BIBLE 'La biblia de las curvas' Part4 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]THE CORNERING BIBLE 'La biblia de las curvas' Part5 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]THE CORNERING BIBLE 'La biblia de las curvas' Part6 - YouTube[/ame]

I don't believe this is still protected under copyright as seeing that YouTube hasn't taken it down. If I'm wrong I'm sure the mods will take it down, I just thought everyone else would find it helpful.
Goofiest acting EVAR, but content is very very good!

I've read the book too and I found the movie easier to absorb.
So, Final update I suppose.

I took delivery of my new 2009 Fz1 in Granite Gray today. The bike is a beast and I can see why all the words of caution for jumping from a Fz6 up to the Fz1. I'm excited, already went for a quick little 50 mile ride just to get a feel for her.

Physically I'm good. The chiropractor has been taking care of my neck and back and I feel pretty good. Not really getting anymore headaches, but still have like the memory on the side of my head where I hit. I look at it like a reminder to be safe and sane.

I dunno if this is crazy but I would say that the fear of going down again and getting hurt is not my biggest fear but rather being without a motorcycle for a month again.

ERCI you are right brother, it's the dark side.