New FZ6 owner- Long rambling post


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Sep 21, 2013
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Washougal, WA
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I thought I would share my past two months experience as a new (to me) 2004 FZ6 owner and some things I've done and/or learned. A bit about me, 49 year old from California, but moved to Washougal, WA 8+ years ago and love it here.

I have had more bikes than I can count over the years with the the last two being a 1200 Sportster and a DR650. I sold both before moving and have not been on a bike for 8 years until buying the FZ6. I'm not an expert by any means, but I have some riding experience (weirdest bike I've owned was a Triumph Bonneville with reversed shifter/brake..... never could get used to that).

After watching "Long Way Round" and "Long Way Down", I got the itch to get back into motorcycles. I have been driving a Yukon 55 miles a day to/from work and that has added up to nearly $3500/year in fuel costs. The reduced fuel bill would pay for a bike.... at least that's what I told my wife:)

After looking for a few weeks on Craigslist, I found my FZ. I was able to get it for $2675 along with a Shoei helmet, tank bag and tail bag. Seemed like a great deal. BTW, I've never wanted a sport bike but I really liked the looks of the bike and couldn't pass up the deal.

So, after riding it for a week or so I hated it! Front end dived really bad when slowing down, bars were not comfortable, clutch was goofy and the shifting sucked. I was cold in the mornings and couldn't see out of my helmet due to the fogging. Riding in Portland, Oregon I was very concerned with some idiot who may be texting running into the back of me at a stop (happened to me in my Jeep). The whole thing seemed like a bad idea.

Instead of admitting to my wife that I made a poor decision, I decided to address the issues and that is why I am writing this post. Maybe someone else is thinking about doing something similar and this may help them decide for/against it.

FRONT END DIVING- It was actually to the point that I didn't feel it was safe to ride (I did anyway). I ordered (from Ebay) and installed Race Tech front springs (90 KG as I weigh about 200lbs). The springs along with 10w Bel Ray fork oil made a huge difference. I have not checked the sag in the forks, but they work fine now and I'm happy with the results so one issue solved.

CLUNKY HARD SHIFTING- First, I changed the motor oil with Mobil 1 10w40. It helped a bit, then I noticed within 20 miles (happened to see a post about motorcycle oil) that I used the wrong oil (didn't think to check if it was for bikes). Drained out that oil and put in the correct Mobil 1 4T oil (old oil plus new oil = $$$). Also moved the shifter down one notch to better suit how I have my feet on the pegs. Shifting was better but still not acceptable. I started preloading the shifter before shifting and that helped most of the time.

CLUTCH BEING GOOFY- Not sure how to describe it but if you are reading this you most likely have an FZ6 and know what I mean. Best I could do is put on new levers (Ebay again.... $46 from Hong Kong... Silver long adjustable levers) and adjust the free play correctly. OH, and I lubed the clutch cable. This helped quite a bit, still the worst feeling clutch I have experienced. If KillerNoodle starts making his Clutch Slave Lever mod again I will get one as the feedback is very positive......

HANDLEBARS NOT COMFORTABLE- Hey, I'm only 5'7"... My arms are short! I put on the 1" up and 1.25" back handlebar risers. Much more comfortable. There was enough play in the wiring and cables (just barely) that I was able to simply bolt on the risers. Problem solved.

DRIVETRAIN LASH/PLAY/SHIFTING/ETC- Tried adjusting the chain a few times and that didn't help. Cleaned and lubed it, didn't help. I ended up getting (from Ebay..... everything I mention is from Ebay so I'm going to stop saying where I got the stuff) a new DID 530 X-Ring chain with JT front and rear sprockets. I then decided to change the counter sprocket from 16 tooth to 17 tooth since most of my riding is freeway stuff and I'm not going to be racing anyone. Put it on last night. OMG!!! It's like someone snuck in my garage and rebuilt my transmission....... I went for a ride today and it shifted so nice :) Money well spent and the 17 tooth sprocket didn't seem to make a huge difference on these country roads. I'll know more when I hit I-5 or I-205 Monday. Less vibrations, I can already see that and it's not so jerky in first gear.

COLD HANDS- Hey, I'm from CA.... I know it's not really cold up here yet but I'm preparing ahead of time. So, I put on Oxford Bone Dry Mitts.... Yes, I did! I rode one day with them on just to make sure I could. Other than looking really stupid, they worked fine. No real issues with not being able to see the controls, I know where they are without looking. Mitts did not hit the fairing so I still had full steering. They also did not push back on my clutch/brake levers even at 80mph. My hands were warm and if it rains, I would assume they will remain dry.

Since I decided to only use the Mitts on really cold, wet days I installed Oxford Heated Grips for the dry cold days. I did it the right way by adding a relay that only allows power to the grips when my key is on. They work outstanding and I really do not have to go above the lowest setting (I think it’s 20%, but would have to double check). Not difficult to install, just kind of time consuming.

I wasn’t happy with the feel of the Oxford grips, so I added a set of Grip Puppies on top of the heated grips. While it takes a little longer for the grips to heat up (maybe three minutes or so longer), it makes the heat seem more even and they are much more comfortable to use (for my hands anyway). Not sure if there are less felt vibrations or not as that really was not an issue for me.

FOGGY VISOR- I tried Rain-X No Fog stuff. Didn’t really work. I got tired of having the visor cracked open and even then, it would fog. I noticed I was trying not to breath so I could see where I was going. I guess I could have tried spitting in it like a SCUBA mask, but without being in the water that just seems gross! I ended up ordering a new visor and a yellow PinLock insert. Wow, what a cool invention. I cannot get my visor to fog up now even if I try, and I have. I am amazed by this device and how well it works. Plus, the yellow insert makes the weather seem better even when it is overcast!

STILL COLD- So, I was using layers to stay warm. A vest, then a fleece sweater, then my TourMaster waterproof jacket w/liner. It worked well enough, but I felt like that kid in “The Christmas Story” who had about ten layers on and his arms stuck out at his side. I bought a Victory heated vest and I am now nice and toasty. It is actually pretty warm without even turning it on. It was easy to wire (I went directly to the battery, don’t think the vest will be turned on if I’m not on the bike) and it comes with the heat controller with multiple push button heat settings. Simple to use and well worth the money ($100 or so).

SAFETY- So, after being away from riding for 8 years or so, I discovered I have two new fears. The first is having Bigfoot (or any other creature or object) jump out in front of me and I plow into it (a guy at my work hit a bear on his bike..... so Bigfoot isn't that far fetched). Not much I can do about that other than be careful and ride defensively. The other fear is having some ding dong smash into the back of me at a stop light or when I’m slowing down. I started pumping my brakes to flash my brake light in hopes of getting their attention. I soon tired of this and installed a Viz-Tec Brake light modulator. It plugged right in (took two minutes), has ten different patterns to choose from and will hopefully make me somewhat safer.

GPS/PHONE/TUNES- I know many of you do not want these distractions while riding and I can respect that. My work requires me to be on call 24/7 so I must be able to know when there is an emergency call. I also love listening to music on my bike (even back in the early 80's I would listen to my Walkman while wearing headphones and a beanie cap..... before helmet laws in CA)! I installed an Ultimate Add Ons Iphone 5 weatherproof case, bar mount and charger. Simple to install, well made and so far it works well. I can see my phone screen and determine who calls and if I need to pull over and call them back. If I decide to use the GPS on the phone, I can see that too. I am currently using the Iphone ear buds under my helmet but am researching bluetooth options.

So, that's pretty much it..... Sorry for the long post from this FNG, but I wanted to share what has worked for me so far. I am currently looking into hard bags and a different windshield. Yes, I want it to be a Sport Touring bike and have plans next summer to ride from Washougal, WA to Mendocino, CA to visit my folks.

For a bike that I started off not really liking, I couldn't be happier with my FZ now. Some may think this is off base, but at times it reminds me of my Honda CB 550-4 that I had in the early 80's. Only better looking, faster and handles better......

Last of all, thanks for this incredible forum. I have learned a lot from reading posts and really enjoy seeing all the photos you guys (and girls) post.

:welcome: to the forum! I wouldn't say your post was rambling but well expressed. :thumbup: Hope to see many more posts from you.
That's a lot for a couple of months!

The clutch pull may be short, but it should still be smooth and light. While lubing helps tremendously, a new OEM cable for ~$20 may be a good investment if there's any notchiness. The new ones have inner plastic sleeves as well.
Welcome to the forum Chris! Glad to have you with us and man have you customized that thing to your liking!

I still haven't made any mods to my bike, everything is stock (with many a couple oil changes under its belt before I owned it) but I even have the stock tires on mine. Slowly I'll personalize it but I'm making sure I won't be staying with it before I do! (Still kinda wanna check out the Ninja 300 too, for the playfulness and fuel economy for my commuting)
Great first post! It sounds like you are on the right track to setting the bike up to your liking. The stock bars are a known pain issue, I've used both the fz1 bars and the fz6r bars.
Both are more comfortable than the stock ones.
Be safe in PDX - as noted, lots of distracted drivers!!!

PS - not sure how many miles on your bike, but if you find the mirrors vibrate at all under varying RPMs /speed and it makes your bum numb, there is a fix for that. Has to do with the ignition system.

Welcome aboard!
:welcome:to this awesome family!
Okay so how much will you save on gas this year? Lol! Yeah, I said the same thing..... First few years of owning my bike I was neck n neck with the gas to and from work with my 1969 Dodge Polaris because of gear, mods and doodadds for me and the bike.

You might like the Sena SMH10 for your helmet. Then you just turn it on and you're Bluetoothed (No wires) to you're phone or other BT devices. There's also the SMH10R that is more compact but harder to operate with thicker gloves/mitts.

Again welcome to this great forum! :)
Thanks.... Great replies! I will take and post pics as soon as I can:).

True, saving money on gas sounded good but I keep finding new things I "need". So my new reason is not to save money, it's for my mental health!

Ordered the Sena SMH10 this morning, looking forward to using it instead of wired earphones. Went for a one hour ride today and confirmed that the 17t counter sprocket was the right choice for me. Smoother and less shifting.
You forgot to mention about the poor fuel mileage that the FZ6 is getting too. Also no need to put premium, manufacturer recommends regular 87 octane.
Just make sure and keep on top of your tire pressures!! Whenever the weather shifts and the bike dives and feels unsafe my front tire is always somewhere around 23psi....but the shifting is alot smoother with thinner oil and slipping the clutch instead of fully pulling the clutch...
no need to put premium, manufacturer recommends regular 87 octane.


My FZ6 never got anything but 98RON! (oh, except when I tried to check the mileage because some smart alec forum member said 87RON might be better!)

Also, check the TPS!


My FZ6 never got anything but 98RON! (oh, except when I tried to check the mileage because some smart alec forum member said 87RON might be better!)
O/T for a sec: Curious if you noticed any difference in fuel consumption?

Back on topic: Welcome FNG! :D
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Curious if you noticed any difference in fuel consumption?

Yes, my bike got consistently better mileage with the 98RON.

Is it worth the difference?

Based purely on the extra mileage, maybe not - but the 98RON also has added detergents etc which keep the injectors clean, and the entire fuel system clean.

Cheaper than buying a bottle of Spitfire, or Sea Foam after a problem has arisen.

My thoughts anyway.


My FZ6 never got anything but 98RON! (oh, except when I tried to check the mileage because some smart alec forum member said 87RON might be better!)

Also, check the TPS!

Well they're not going to say maximum :rolleyes:

Yes, my bike got consistently better mileage with the 98RON.

Is it worth the difference?

Based purely on the extra mileage, maybe not - but the 98RON also has added detergents etc which keep the injectors clean, and the entire fuel system clean.

Cheaper than buying a bottle of Spitfire, or Sea Foam after a problem has arisen.

My thoughts anyway.

Yeah but then all the extra money you're spending on gas that you *might* have needed for detergent like additives later on likely far out weigh the cost of just adding (or not having to add) them later. :D
No need to add detergent or additives if you purchase fuel from a reputable petroleum company. Shell, Chevron versus mom and pop stations, or cheap outlets that offer significant cheaper prices, which is part of the reason why they can be cheaper.