So ends 2013 riding season


2 Da Street, Knobs R Gone
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Mar 16, 2011
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2013 was my third year of street riding and was much different than the previous years. First off, I lost my riding buddy so I did allot of single rider exploring which is something I really enjoy. I found some "off the beaten path" location where the journey tested my skills in all kinds of terrain. My explorations took us through mud, gravel moss, wet leaves (tree poo), pine needles, dirt roads, gravel roads and some actual "Good Roads" to, but it was all about following the road I'd always ridden past to see where it goes and where my folks used to ride back in the day…

My exploring lead to some remote places high up in the mountains that I returned to a several times. A couple of which our local members came along. I'm guessing these rides thorugh the narrow forrest service roads were all in preperation for that CRAZY Time Distance Rally with 60+ strangers! That was a day I may not forget anytime soon. About 300+ miles of adrenilan rush which covered lots of new ground to the east, some roads I just happen to find on my own you guessed it, 6 miles of gravel! Then there was the Yamaha Demo days where we got to play on the new bikes. Of course the R6 was my favorite! Also the most uncomfortable! Later in the summer I came home to find Crisis taking a nap with her blanket on. Somehow that hurt seeing her kickstand in the air. :( Her first down since production in 2008. Per the title, she is now parked in safe place for the winter so we successfully completed season 3 without incident as a pair. Considering how and where I ride and all the bamby encounters we had this season, I’m surprised we didn’t take ourselves into the Hall of Shame!

I really just came to say this bike is Blast in so many ways! The first two years I did some commuting, day rides, night rides, rain rides and 300 and 400 miles adventures with my old riding buddy. This year I did very little commuting do to a shift in work hours placing me in painfully long traffic jams which take all the fun out of riding. As such, this season was purely for pleasure and to abuse the western hemisphere with the Two Brother pipes! :LOL:
Something else, I rode other bikes with more power, but honeslty they just weren't as much fun as the smaller class. It's just easier to throw it around, and play with! I can't imagine those other bikes in half the places we went this year and not being blemished with battle scars. As it is now, she's got some light scrathes from being used and the thats just fine by me.

I hope everyone had a great season and for those who never stop, (SoCal Hoons come to mind), be safe and enjoy the remainder of the year.

A couple of pictures to recap the Good Times!
Up out of Estacada

Look out up on Mt Hood

Hillside out of Estcada

A group ride up to the look out on Hood.

Time Distance Rally, East of Mt Hood

After the TDR

Another group ride...

Solo Gravel Adventure

Little Crater lake

Ride with Mxgolf to Lost lake

Group Ride at Little Crater lake

A little run through the woods

Up the Clackamas River

Close out with this shot along the Columbia River

That's about it. I had a allot of fun, saw some incredible sites and can't wait to ride again in the spring! I shot some video on the last ride using an HD phone. If I can edit some bs out of it, I'll post up. There you'll see why its impossible to target fixate - roads are narrow and unforgiving here.

Be safe everyone!
Final Impact
Great pictures Randy! Yeah...remember we're not that far away and you can rent a bike down here! :rockon:
That is such awesome scenery where you live! I want to drink little crater lake:D
Thanks for posting the pics.
2013 was my third year of street riding and was much different than the previous years. First off, I lost my riding buddy so I did allot of single rider exploring which is something I really enjoy. I found some "off the beaten path" location where the journey tested my skills in all kinds of terrain. My explorations took us through mud, gravel moss, wet leaves (tree poo), pine needles, dirt roads, gravel roads and some actual "Good Roads" to, but it was all about following the road I'd always ridden past to see where it goes and where my folks used to ride back in the day…

My exploring lead to some remote places high up in the mountains that I returned to a several times. A couple of which our local members came along. I'm guessing these rides thorugh the narrow forrest service roads were all in preperation for that CRAZY Time Distance Rally with 60+ strangers! That was a day I may not forget anytime soon. About 300+ miles of adrenilan rush which covered lots of new ground to the east, some roads I just happen to find on my own you guessed it, 6 miles of gravel! Then there was the Yamaha Demo days where we got to play on the new bikes. Of course the R6 was my favorite! Also the most uncomfortable! Later in the summer I came home to find Crisis taking a nap with her blanket on. Somehow that hurt seeing her kickstand in the air. :( Her first down since production in 2008. Per the title, she is now parked in safe place for the winter so we successfully completed season 3 without incident as a pair. Considering how and where I ride and all the bamby encounters we had this season, I’m surprised we didn’t take ourselves into the Hall of Shame!

I really just came to say this bike is Blast in so many ways! The first two years I did some commuting, day rides, night rides, rain rides and 300 and 400 miles adventures with my old riding buddy. This year I did very little commuting do to a shift in work hours placing me in painfully long traffic jams which take all the fun out of riding. As such, this season was purely for pleasure and to abuse the western hemisphere with the Two Brother pipes! :LOL:
Something else, I rode other bikes with more power, but honeslty they just weren't as much fun as the smaller class. It's just easier to throw it around, and play with! I can't imagine those other bikes in half the places we went this year and not being blemished with battle scars. As it is now, she's got some light scrathes from being used and the thats just fine by me.

I hope everyone had a great season and for those who never stop, (SoCal Hoons come to mind), be safe and enjoy the remainder of the year.

Be safe everyone!
Final Impact

Love It! :thumbup:
I rode other bikes with more power, but honeslty they just weren't as much fun as the smaller class. It's just easier to throw it around, and play with!

Well done, Randy!! Totally agree with the statement above. I've had my FZ1 for over 2 years now and while it has a lot of benefits, when it comes to plain fun, particularly on country roads, FZ6 was better!
I'm sad to hear you're done for the year Randy, I enjoy your pictures so much. But as stated before, next season will be even better!! :thumbup:
Thanks for all the mechanical help last year, I hope the winter layoff isn't to long for you.

Amazing, quality pics that you took! This is the sort of post I like to read - where the bike takes you and what you saw along the way. :)
Your story and pics make me want to get out and ride hard next season. Little crater lake is a beautiful shot!
Just pure awesomeness is all I can say. I'm glad to see that true motorcyclists still exist rather than just "bikers"/"Ricky racers"(image oriented) these days. Kudos my man though until it snows here I'm going to try and resist the winter onslaught ;)

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That is such awesome scenery where you live! I want to drink little crater lake:D
Thanks for posting the pics.

Oh I have - Yum, Tasty!!! One of the days I went alone it was like 96F outside. Full gear and that cool water made we wanna jump in! It's like 45F all the time!

Thanks for your kind words! I'm thankful to have such a great place to play! It really is the best! :thumbup:

Some of the original shots are scattered through here. Mx has some links and Jon_PDX whom I haven't seen around much since the FZ1 came may have some too!
Great pictures Randy! Yeah...remember we're not that far away and you can rent a bike down here! :rockon:

Thanks Cliff! I really need to keep that in mind! All the videos i've seen of SoCal, the roads are so open in wide compared to here!
It doesn't have to end. Buy a trailer or pickup and head south 450 miles for the weekend where we ride year round.
Nice pictures, love the Columbia gorge.
Have you been out east to Fossil, Spray area? Mighty nice riding out there too and completely different than the Cascades. Check it out next year.
Very awesome, man, and great pics! :thumbup: You've got some beautiful scenery there. Little Crater Lake and Lost Lake look of these days I'll venture to the west coast....

Your post reminds me that I need to keep exploring more into my Appalachia backyard next year near the top of my list of goals (along with better riding gear, BRC2, etc.). :wav:
It doesn't have to end. Buy a trailer or pickup and head south 450 miles for the weekend where we ride year round.
Nice pictures, love the Columbia gorge.
Have you been out east to Fossil, Spray area? Mighty nice riding out there too and completely different than the Cascades. Check it out next year.

Not on the bike - plenty of Jack Wabbits to dodge out in the sage brush...

I think my only regret was not making back to the Wet Dog Bar in Astoria. The mountain range west has some pretty fun roads too.

Found some partners in crime! Jon & Mark
Actually, the riding season is beginning. I look forward to what winter has in store for me this year. Next summer, come out and take a trip out to Idaho, we can head up north, I can show you some amazing roads.