Another one down.

thanks for all the get wells, I really appreciate that! hopefully if my wife and son let me get another bike, sometime soon FJR 1300 may be in my future. Seem hard to find a low mileage 2006 FZ6 anymore :(

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Very sorry to hear about your accident/injury. Hope you're healing quickly.

And certainly I hope you get back on the horse.

If you don't mind, would you share some of the details?
How fast were you moving at impact?
What were your injuries?

If it is difficult to answer, please accept my apologies.

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Sorry about your crash. Hope your injuries are not too severe (though I imagine they're not completely minor if you've spent all this time in a hospital : )

Heal well and quick!
Agreed with everyone else....
glad you're here to tell us about it & hope you heal up 100% and quickly.
Sucks about the bike and all, but bikes can be replaced!
I'm sure your family will have a Merry Christmas
Heal up quick, bad to be in the hospital but good that your are OK enough to log in! Hope you get home by Christmas. It is a great feeling when you get home. My one tip for the hospital is make sure everyone washes their hands.

Have been driving the cage much more in the last month and one of the reasons is the crazy drivers out there. Saw a car last weekend which had a broken driver's window - it was fixed though - with a big sheet of cardboard!!!!
Heal quickly! I'm glad you're going to be OK. I hope you find your FJR before you know it :thumbup:
I was driving west down Lawrenceville Highway, which is a four lane with a turning lane right in the middle. there were two cars waiting at a red light to turn left on a road called fellowship. when I went under the light I was probably running about 40 miles an hour. there was a Lexus SUV that turned from behind those two cars to turn into a napa which was on the corner. I figured they were probably trying to cut the light. when she turned out from behind the second car I was in the left lane. I hit the brakes and and the horn and swerved to the right to try to get around her, but she didn't stop until she hit me.

I have four fractured ribs, a fractured pelvis, a torn tendon in my left pinky, and a torn ACL at least in my right knee but I'm still waiting for an MRI.

All in all I think I got lucky, I'm not really in that much pain other than my right leg.

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Ouch. Thanks for the details.

Best wishes for a speedy and FULL recovery.

I hope you get home soon and in any case have a heart brimming over type Christmas.

I was on my way to work Friday morning, about a mile from the shop, when a woman turned left from behind two cars in front of me. I tried to swerve to the right try to get around her, but she never slowed down and I ended up hitting her in the right front.

I've been in the hospital since Friday morning, but hopefully I'll get to go home before Christmas. I sure do miss my poor little FZ6, but it looks like it might be a little while before I can get another one.View attachment 51520

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Really sorry to hear about your accident :eek:, how are you doing, hope you' re OK.
hope you get out for the Christmas, failing that hope you have Wifi, so we can hear how it's going, heal up soon :thumbup:
DANG you bent the bar down and everything.......thats fixable, but let her buy you a new bike....FJR? :rolleyes:

I lied, frame is screwed. I should look closer :p
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Damn this stinks! Get well soon, may the stars align and the insurance rain. Money, that is.

Did you crack the frame or is that a dangling wire?
Here's to a speedy recovery and an FJR....

Thanks for sharing all of the information and here's to hoping your 2014 will see you rehabbed and riding again. Your unfortunate incident is a grim reminder to the dangers of riding and the level of awareness that must be maintained at all times. Cheers to your loved ones that will allow to contemplate buying another bike. :thumbup:
Yep, frame is cracked. Bike is pretty messed up, but that is expected I guess.

So far State Farm has been very easy to deal with, at least that has been my experience in the past. They sent me the pics, I still haven't seen the bike. As of now, I'm waiting to hear what they are going to pay since they deemed it a total loss. I sent them some other things (gear, upgrades on the bike, and my glasses) that will also need to be reimbursed, but I'm not sure how they will handle it yet.

As far as lost wages for being out of work and medical expenses, I'll have to wait until everything is finished and a final settlement is reached. Property damage is figured separate and should be finalized in the next week I would think. The medical portion will likely be another 6 months or so. I'll try to let y'all know how it all turns out.