2015 Ride to Work Day: 6/15/15

I don't understand why anyone wouldn't already be doing it if it were possible? Driving a car sucks parts of a donkeys anatomy, especially in work traffic.
I only ride every once in a while, usually on Friday when I can dress a bit more casual. ATGATT is kind of a pain when you have to change back into work clothes when you get there, and then change back when you leave. It's a total non-starter if I have to wear a suit that day.

Also, sitting in rush hour traffic really sucks. It'd be a different story if we could split lanes. When temps get much above 80, it really sucks when you're not moving in full gear.

I might start riding more regularly when the HOV ramp is completed that drops me right next to work.
I missed doing this last year. I will be doing it this year!

Ride To Work | Ride To Work::

Ride To Work Week

...already on my calendar. I start taking the bike to work in late-june ish, when school is out and traffic eases a bit. But I am eager to show my support for this and I hope I am joined by an armada of single-track vehicles (and Can-Am's too) :)
Thanks for the reminder! Now that I have most of the bugs worked out after an extensive winter maintenance, I'll be riding every chance I get.
ATGATT is kind of a pain when you have to change back into work clothes when you get there, and then change back when you leave.

Get yourself a one-piece oversuit, Aerostich, Olympia, Teiz, etc. On and off in ~30 seconds over your work clothes. Maybe not over a suit if you have to look super nice, but for khakis and a button down shirt or polo its fine.
I only ride every once in a while, usually on Friday when I can dress a bit more casual. ATGATT is kind of a pain when you have to change back into work clothes when you get there, and then change back when you leave. It's a total non-starter if I have to wear a suit that day.

Also, sitting in rush hour traffic really sucks. It'd be a different story if we could split lanes. When temps get much above 80, it really sucks when you're not moving in full gear.

I might start riding more regularly when the HOV ramp is completed that drops me right next to work.

I stuff everything in my backpack with my lunch and take the back roads. I only have a 15 mile commute though. It would be a straight shot on the interstate, but traffic is so inconsistent, I'd rather take an extra 15 minutes on the paved backroads than sit in traffic.

I also never have to wear a suit. The changing is a slight pain, but it's a nice way to get home after sitting in the office all day.
My commute is only 12 miles, but the last / first 3 miles are heavy stop and go. If I had a commute that didn't involve sitting in traffic, or if it shaved a significant amount of time off my commute, I'd consider riding in more often. The "back roads" are full of lights where I'm stationary. That can be even worse than stop and go where you're at least moving every few seconds.

I also have to change out of my boots which is another step and another article to bring with me. I had a pair of mesh pants that I bought specifically to use as overpants when commuting, but I found that it was too much of a pain to put them on and take them off. Despite being mesh, they were still another layer on top of my work pants which didn't flow air.

Is changing doable? Yes. Is it fun? No. Since I primarily ride for fun, I take the bike whenever the ride will be fun or at least not "un fun." Unfortunately the DC area is one of the worst areas in the country for traffic.
16 June is a public holiday here so most of the country will take Monday off.

We (my FZ, a BMW R1200GS and a Triumph 1200 Explorer) are going on a trip this weekend so we will be riding on Monday anyway, about 310km home.

Our annual ride to work day is usually the first Friday in October, as summer is coming then :rockon:
BUMP for a last minute reminder. :thumbup:

Beatle - and others, I understand the problem with having to change into a suit & tie when you get there. 25 years ago, that, and being a new father caused me to stop riding. Commuting through stop & go is also a pain. But please keep in mind that ride-to-work day is about making a point - that there are a lot of riders out there, and that if a few things could change about our traffic laws, parking, work place changing rooms..., then we could get a lot of cars off of the road and more of us would spend the day smiling in anticipation of that ride home - taking the scenic route.


Who knows, maybe someday it could be acceptable to wear riding leathers in place of the suit.

I went the extra long way and was 10 minutes late. I blame the lady jogger in the sports bra while I was busy with a big left hander......
About to gear up. The local forecast is for thunderstorms after noon till evening. Good chance I'll come home wet.

Payne - :D