
The Toy Lady
Elite Member
Nov 13, 2007
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The July 2016 photo contest gallery is up and ready for uploads! Once you click the link below you will see a text hyperlink named "Upload Photo" under the "What's New" link. Click on that to start your upload.

July 2016 - BOTM <== click here

Gallery set up will on the 1st weekend of the month (or as close as we can ;))
Uploads will be the first 2 weeks of the month
Voting will be enabled on Friday June 17th
and our winner announced on Wednesday June 29th
The winner's photo will posted on the home page for that month

1. No photo shopping please (a little tweaking is fine)
2. This is a family friendly forum, keep it tasteful.
3. It does not have to be an FZ6, but it does have to be your bike to qualify
4. One picture per member can be entered every month, unless you won the previous month. You must wait 2 months before entering again after winning.
5. Members must have legal rights to use, copy and distribute any submission
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Re: July 2016 BOTM - uploads enabled

I'm Not sure where the photos are going but it displays "Upload successful" but there is no photo in the gallery when done....
Anyone else having this issue?

Degraded size from p-bucket.
Re: July 2016 BOTM - uploads enabled

Not sure what the problem is Randy. I tried to upload your pic and it told me I was blocked!
I'll PM admin to see if he knows :mad:

PM sent to Admin
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Re: July 2016 BOTM - uploads enabled

voting is, Admin's test pic is not really in the running (I dont think, lol) but Final Impact's is, even though we could not get that uploaded into the gallery.
So, if your vote is for FI, I guess PM me that info.....

otherwise vote here:

July 2016 - BOTM <== click here
Re: July 2016 BOTM - uploads enabled

We have had 3 votes this month so far....................


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Congrats Jerry,
I don't know what happened with the last month, I missed the call for entries and the call to Vote.
Brenda , thanks for keeping the contest alive and to all those that participate as well!
Is there a trick to uploading pics? I tried this month, but couldn't find the gallery for July BOTM

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Click the link provided, that should take you right into the gallery. Under the"What's New" link you should see upload photos, click that and follow the instructions...easy peasy

Hope you'll give it a whirl for next month's contest.....
Congrats!! Nice pic. I have a few pics from my recent trip. Maybe we can make it Triumphs 2 months in a row....:cheer: