Important Aussie riders check in please


2 Da Street, Knobs R Gone
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Mar 16, 2011
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With all the fires consuming everything in their path, I hope you, your families, friends, animals, and property are being spared.

Please check in when you see this....
I can tell you all folks that the fires are horrendous in scale, but so far apart from massive smoke, Melbourne has been safe with only small grass fires nearby. The East Gippsland and Southern New South Wales fires on the other hand are monumental in size. Nothing like this has been seen before. They dwarf the Californian fires, have overtaken the fires in Brazil in size and are in many unreachable locations.
Watch the news and pray if that suits you, if you can donate to charity causes, it is appreciated. Do your bit to help in your ow location to educate and try to prevent the same things happening in your own region as the year progresses into your own warmer season. We are the hot topic at the moment but the effects are felt globally
Thanks for your care
Our hearts go out to you. During one of our big fires in SoCal, 3 miles south of us, fire passed a 6 mile stretch, west to east, in 15 minutes because of the high Santa Ana winds.

I've been on fire once from a welding incident. I was lucky and learned in a few split seconds what fire means when you try to catch a breath. Fire eats O2 very quickly. This also mean internal combustion engines can be starved in close proximity to fire. When they say stay away and get going......

Hope you all get better and heal up quick!
Mucho Love from our house!