Guitar Man
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  • I've been playing for about 15yrs. I was a late bloomer. I started on bass in a band that was desperate for a player after the last bass player left. I sat in on a few practices and just picked it up. Was scared to death first time in front of a crowd. I quit the band after about 3 yrs. got bored with the bass and decided to pick up the guitar. My first one was an Epiphone Les Paul (which I still have) I have a Jasmine acoustic, Drive Bass, Squire Strat, and my number one Ibanez S470DX. Still want to play guitar in a band but I work nights and weekends and that does'nt make it easy.

    Keep at it. You will find that you will have breakthroughs every so often that make it worth it. I love it about as much as motorcycles.

    How long you been playing? What kind of guitar? I just started classes a few months ago, its frustrating and awesome, you know what I mean. I bought a fender acc. and a fender strat.
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