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  • Hey Tim,

    Sorry i just got your message, it has been awhile since I have been on the forum. I guess with it being winter I kinda slacked off of looking at the forum. It looks like spring is finally here and I am looking forward to getting my FZ back out of the garage! I love to ride!

    Also you are quite correct N1ONE is my Ham callsign, it is the original call I got from the FCC back in 1992. I won't give it up because it is very easy for people to remember me as N11 (ONE). I love Ham Radio as well, I spend a lot of time building radio kits, it's a lot of fun.

    Anyway, thanks for the message and talk to another time.

    73 N1ONE
    Where in CT are you? I know of one FZ6 in Southington. I believe we have two other members here in CT as well.
    Thanks Tim! I hope we can catch up and get a ride or two in this coming season! Look for some group ride stuff as well as my wife and me making a trip or two to Bristol, CT this summer.
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