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  • Hey Martin. How's tricks? Didn't do the Euro tour, but I did some little trips, to the Flemish cities for instance.
    Hey Martin,

    Welk navigatiesysteem heb jij voor de motor? Ik ben aan het kijken om er eentje te kopen.

    Hey Cloggy! Thanks for the excellent suggestion in your recent post on food. Yorkshire Pudding is on the menu for tonight!
    Hi Martin,
    Do you know of a site I can look at on the net for bikes for sale all over Holland ?
    I have looked on the net but cannot find one.


    Hey Martin.

    Ik heb vandaag mijn lidmaatschap van de AFCN opgezegd. Ik heb ze een brief gestuurd met waqarom ik geen lid meer wil zijn.

    Als je wil kan ik de brief een keer naar je sturen.

    Ik wil graag dat je het weet en we hebben het er tijdens onze tocht ook over gehad, vandaar.

    Groeten aan je vrouw en kinderen.

    Hi Martin,

    Yes there is more news on the plans.

    We are going down on friday the 18th and staying in brugge overnight. I saw those photos of the French coast between Ostende and Bologne and changed all our plans so we could ride that road towards Normandy on the Saturday morning. If we do not appear to be making good enough time we can always get onto the motorway which runs parallell all the way to Normandy.

    We will start back on Saturday 26th July. As far as I know there will be 3 of us on 2 bikes, so if you want to meet up somewhere and ride towards Holland that would be great.


    I have just ordered a book from Amazon and they have sent me two in error. Its called MONDO ENDURO and is about a group of mates who do an epic motorbike journey.

    If you are interested in reading it I would be happy to do a swap for a Dutch motorbike T shirt, anything would do.

    If you are interested let me know.

    Regarding France in the summer. We would probably end up in Amsterdam on Monday 31st July.

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