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  • Thanks for the greating! Ive always rode dirtbikes but just got my frist bike (FZ6-R) and loving it! New to the whole forum thing but its sooo helpful.
    Hi to you as well. I was checking out a few of your post a few days back. I like your bike as well. I got an old 2005 FZ 6. I love. Had it for a year now. I wish there were females that looked like you over here in Queens NY that ride!
    My buddy and I are planning a ride the weekend of June 19-21 and I'm trying to talk him into going up that way. He's being a little sissy not wanting to do the camping thing as it's not a short ride up there...but who care!!! Plus, like you said, it's nice to get your picture taken!!

    Posted some pics of my Lucy...check'em out...
    Just get someone that knows what they are doing to give you a little one-two-three and spend some time on a familiar road that isn't busy. Thankfully we've got a few twisties around here that I can get some slow practice on...and then take that to the mountains I grew up on and apply. Biggest lessons I ever taught myself were - Don't ride fast on a road you don't know - Don't try to keep up with anyone...ride your own pace. Unless you're on a racetrack...it's not a race:)
    Can't believe you named your dog after mine...that was nice of you:)

    I was told once long ago that if you're scraping pegs...you're doing it wrong. Be careful out there!!!
    The guy that pulled me over gave me a great piece of advice...if you're passing everyone, you're going too fast:)

    Keep it safe and easy...kinda like your pup there on the couch. Reminds me of my hound on the rotten aspect...completely spoiled A$$ ROTTEN!!!
    Only ever gotten one ticket on the bike...thankfully I was in my brother jurisdiction (he's a cop) and the guy laughed at me and told me to slow down:) It's nice having friends (and brothers) in low places! The other brother runs a pub. One gets me in trouble...the other gets me out, it's a nice dynamic:)
    Nice! My home was actually on Treasure Island, right near Gators on Johns Pass. If you havent been there you should, great beach bar and they have bikini contests every Sunday ;) Also Johns Pass is pretty cool place for shopping. I'm jealous, I wont be back down until July, have a good time!
    Hey Jess, I just saw you were from Plant City. I grew up in St. Petersburg, so not to far from there. I was just in Plant City for the Strawberry Festival back in March, love the Strawberry shortcakes they have, so good! Definitely miss the FLA up here in Rochester.
    lol that's funny. my dog is a rot and shep mix. he has a big bark and weighs 180lbs. but he is a chicken as well. has not been put to the test yet but who know
    sheeba is a looker. i love the dog too. my wife says i can't have a bulldog, but they are great.
    Know "ways" eh? I just get lucky because my bro is a cop...how do you get out of them?

    Almost bought the FZ6R...but decided I couldn't pass up the deal I found on mine. Love it love it...the wifey isn't a fan.
    Haha.. At least you're having pleasant dreams ;P Good luck finding a good price, and don't forget to post some pics when you've done the mod! :thumbup:
    Soo.. Thinking about getting that TB full system? :p Would make a nice addition to the bike ;)
    It's a small world. I've been stationed here since just before Katrina. I'm moving to the DC/VA area in July. I'm really not looking forward to that at all.
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