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  • Hi Jay, I have a tonal drop out pic of a nkd fz6, have you got an email I can send it to?
    its about 8mb in size at a4 300 dpi
    let me know I'll get to you
    Hey MAXd,

    I was just going through the BOTM pictures and came across your bike. It's an awesome picture, and your bike looks great! I was wondering if you could tell me how you got your plate mounted behind your exhaust like that though? I love the look, but I've never been able to find anything on how to do it on our bikes.

    Thanks for voting for me in the BOTM.

    BTW, didn't you need stock bar ends? I remember that you did. I still have mine. They are yours, you just need to pick them up.
    Happy birthday! Hope its a great one :thumbup:

    Man I feel old, I just looked at your birthday and realized that's the year I graduated High School and joined the Army :eek:
    I apologize, but I haven't received any of your replies either through my personal email or through PM and I've been checking both regularly in the morning and at night and just now. Please feel free to post copies of your response to show me, I was merely frustrated not knowing what ever happened. I leave it up to you to decide to either to refund me the money or continue with the transaction. Either way, thank you for posting back.
    LoL, i have sent you 3 emails stating that i got your payment. Your going to report me to paypal for what exactly? not returning your emails? I can post copies of my replies if you wish. Im dealing with 130 people here, its not exactly the easiest thing to keep track of, but i think im doing a good job.

    Getting frustrated trying to PM you about the shirt, and if you received my details for the order. It would be only courteous to respond back with a simple "Yes, got your info". Starting to wonder if it's real or a scam. Hate to file a complaint to PayPal about said transaction.
    Seriously a simple response is greatly appreciated.
    Hey MAXd,

    I was on the internet today looking for my next mod when I found these guys:

    Fenda Extenda, Extender Fenders, Motorcycle Fender Extenders by Pyramid

    It seems like that stock rear fender would work for a homemade front fenda extenda... If you can come up with a second fender, you could even fabricate some kind of handguards... Good luck !
    I work for a division of GM, Holden down here in OZ. (didn't want to go "off-topic" again in your thread ;) ). I am topping up all our "down-time" with Long Service Leave, so I'm not too bad off, but yeah, it's not a good time to be in the auto industry. Cheers.
    Hey I noticed you changed your front sprocket, I was wondering if you changed the rear as well. I have been looking to make a few mods to my 05, and everyone suggests going -1, +2 on the sprockets. I went online to look at costs and I was wondering if you had to buy a new chain as well? If so, any suggestions?
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