Ryan T
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  • Ryan T! Great post earlier to that "newbie" post earlier today. I tried to give you props on there. Saw that you are in the USAF. Thanks for what you do. My husband is a Marine and is on this forum sometimes (username: noeligator). Have a happy and safe Memorial Day!
    We should definitely go riding.
    DCSportbikes.net is where most dc area riders organize themselves. There are rides posted in the "Rides and Events" section. I went to my first one last week to Shenandoah Nat'l Park. It was fun and I learned some things from more experienced riders. Plus I saw a black bear :)

    My screen name is the same on that forum.
    That's a tough question. Honestly I don't think there's a place in between that has good schools. If you move further north to Howard County along Rte 32, you get very good schools and you are closer to Ft Meade, but that moves you away from Arlington. If you move along 270 in Montgomery County, you're closer to 495/Arlington and you get good schools. But the commute to Ft Meade will be bad. I used to do that commute.

    I hear bad things about Meade High School and the area of Anne Arundel County near Ft Meade has a lot of gang activity. I'm sure there's a lot of websites to let you know which schools are good,etc. Howard and Montgomery counties have some of the best public schools in the country.

    Hope this helps!
    So far they've been really far up there. Around $2K for full coverage. My dealer basically said that as long as you have a safe place to store your bike, comp/collision is a bit of a waste.
    Thanks for the neutral rep point
    I like your profile pic...love the glowing look lol

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