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  • thanks for the rep. glad you saw the humor in it. i was a little worried... you never know how someone will take something when they can't hear the voice inflection.

    btw, i always love reading your perspective. don't always agree... but i love reading it.
    Hey, saw the headers you got ceramic coated. How did you go about doing that, or was that wolfman?
    The more and more I look at the stock speedo, its getting uglier and uglier, I have sold my lower fairings, and probably going to dedicate that $$$ to buy a koso, however, how did you mount yours between the handlebars and the headlight?

    thanks, I do appreciate the time you have been giving me :)
    Hey wavex, how ya doing, easy question for you, how long does it take to get a kmp headlight? Thanks!
    Hey wavex, love the bike, I got a quik question, when you installed the kmp k5 headlight, did you have to remount your speedometervwith brackets? I crashed my bike and I'm try ing to get the parts for it, I wrecked cause of a dog, I didn't know if you had a site up or anything so I just asked. Thanks a bunch
    Cheers mate, We are all settled now. Its funny living in the UK seems like so long ago now. I still miss affordable decent red wine though lol. Just looking at your picture there. Are there times when you miss the old FZ6 street fighter?
    Yes mate, I agree. Especially when the original post is so widely inaccurate.
    Yeah same here... completely different babies... Juliette = firecracker... Clara = mellow little angel :D I agree... it's all awesome anyway :) We're very lucky men!!!!
    I only go in there when my attention is drawn there, like with reported posts. Otherwise, I stay out, it just gives me a headache LOL.

    Emma is CRAZY dude! Don't get me wrong, she's awesome, but much different from Kyra. At least she sleeps through the night - we've been luck with both babies in that dept. But during the day she requires a lot of attention - where Kyra was super mellow all the time from day one. Still, it's great. It's neat to see how different two babies from the exact same parents can be.
    Tell me about it! I can understand people who like the standard look, but there is no need to run down anyone who wants to customise their bike, even to the extremes!
    I laughed for about 5 mins when I saw that picture though!
    hey man how's going? oh can you tell me where you got the headlight for your last fz6 streetfighter and the mounting hardware? i looked through you threads but can't find it. thanks :D
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