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  • Raspberry cruisers are "girls" pre-mixed vodka drinks - Ozzieboy likes them. I am one of very few Aussie gals on the forum and I get a lot of crap from the Aussie boys - I have to give it back hahaha
    I know this is short notice but Calirider,Wavex,Maybe some others are riding tomorrow morning in the pally area.

    Meeting at the mobile gas station at rt76 and the 15 freeway. Hope to see you!
    Thanks mate,
    For the print screen how to. It makes perfect sense.
    Alex, it was great to ride with you again! thanx for sweepn all of us. Cant wait to ride again
    Whats up Alex? Good to meet you yesterday. Ride was fun. we should head out again one of these days.

    Thanks for the reply man. I'll hit you up soon. Got a few things to fix up on my bike but should be up by next weekend. Keep the rubber side down:)
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