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  • Ohh yeah we get it , ALL playoff games LIVE down under :rockon: I'll be watching dressed like my avatar as always :D
    You don't want to know what a big fan of that brilliant movie I am, how many times I bowl at "Lebowski Lane" before they took it down and , I thought I pretty much saw & heard all about the Big L.

    But "R is for Rust Coloration" - .. that killed me!!

    I know EAA well and is high on my must do before i die list :thumbup:......Might see you there one day :D
    Walter Sobchak: You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me.
    The Dude: Yeah, but Walter...
    Walter Sobchak: Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o'clock this afternoon... with nail polish.

    Hi wolfc70,
    Glad to meet another Lebowski fan. "R is for Rust coloration". I spit coffee out my mouth when I read that........ Thankyou for the laugh. Blubullit.
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