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  • That might be sooner than you think. My Pop is getting on in years now and I would like to build some bridges before he gets to long in the tooth.
    My Brother Ian is slightly older than me. I haven't seen him for years and would really like to see him soon.
    A Whataburger sounds like just the ticket.
    To be honest brother ( see I said we were related) It was in the early 90's when I last went. I expect I went but sadly I can't recall it.

    Nice one,
    I have family in Texas, Hillsboro and Bowie.
    I have spent a couple of nice summers there. Were practically related mate.

    It was nice to meet you! Have a good trip and make sure you post the pics you take!
    I'd definitely get an Italian bike but I hear they're more maint. and pricey to work on.
    There just isn't a bike that looks like them though. I like the 848 EVO but I hear they're not fun for any other kind of riding except twisties. That's mostly the riding I do but sometimes you had to slab it some where and the SV is great.
    Hahaha! Every time I look at this no hold barred profile picture I fall off my chair laughing!! :rof::rof:
    Saw a stunnining cafe racer Ducati in Laguna Beach yesterday. I have to have a cafe racer as an alternative bike. Been searching the Internet and found some really nice bikes!
    Heck yeah I would be down. Sundays are generally best. I can try to get the rest of the st Louis crew involved.
    The SV is a totally underrated bike. The motor pulls like a freight train! The bandwidth is very surprising. Mine is stock with tuneable suspension front and back, slipper clutch, hydraulic clutch and steering damper. Norrow motor make it light a flickable! Weighs a few pounds less than the FZ6! Sound like a Duc! hahaha! Except it doesn't have a dry clutch.
    The R1 has been long gone. I totaled it about 6 months ago. I'm on a Suzuki SV1000s now. I picked up the Zuki new. A k7 leftover! Fun bike. Can't afford to kill another R1. I broke my ribs twice this year (2 separate accidents) and also have to stop being selfish to my family who has to watch be suffer. Haha! I just can't stop riding!
    Hahahaha! I just saw your home page picture here and busted up! LMAO!

    Some lucky bastid's getting the 400!?!?!
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