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  • Well it had been a few months of not being ridden I guess. I'm sure an oil change will do a world of good too. I also think I'm getting better at RPM matching now so the lower gear shifts are getting less clunky.

    Yeah it really is a very very fun bike to ride. I'm surprised at how zippy it is. I'm having to get used to the riding position a bit and having to ride on Jersey's crappy roads, but other than that its a blast.

    I've never ridden any CBR other than an RR but I do remember them being very unforgiving on the lower gear throttle and gear shifts, so if the F4i is anything like that its no wonder you're having to change your riding style. I'm glad you're having fun on your new ride too. :)
    I'm surprised about the chain since I cleaned it just before putting it away last year. I'm very glad to hear that it is shifting better though!!!!!

    It's a great bike isn't it? I'm so glad that you are enjoying it!!!!!!! Mine is taking some getting used to as it rides so different from the FZ. In particular the throttle is a little bit stiffer and that makes a big difference in the turns and rolling on and off smoothly. But still loving the bike! :)
    I got a "new" bike last week! The FZ will shift easier once the oil has been changed. I'm glad you are enjoying it, it's a great bike!
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