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  • Cool. Hope we can meet up for ride soon. Getting a different bike.....failed at resisting, lol. EPIC FAIL!
    Hey! Yep that show was pretty good. I climbed on an FZ8 while I was there. I still prefer the feel of my 6! Of course the Stroms and other semi-adventure bikes were calling my name too. Must... resist..
    Thanks Justin. Linux & Ubuntu.....what is this jibberish you speak of ??
    (I found the little guy on an avatar website somewhere)
    Thanks for the Rep, I appreciate it. I do like this avatar a lot. Anyway thanks again!
    thanks Justin! Kitty seems to fit with my personality....I'm always dancing around the house
    WOW! There is a Santa & he lives in Virginia! Got the seat packed it really well! Thanks! So there's an address on the box, but I was thinking it might be the UPS store's?!?! Leave me a PM to confirm ;)
    Damn....I wish it was warmer than 30! Want the bum to be comfortable not frozen!
    Be sure the management of the company is only discovering your problems today... You can easy imagine that if this information as not reached it, it is because of a problem of person inside the company.
    Therefore, this post exists to resolve your problem. So, can you send at this email address ([email protected]) the number of your order and forward all the emails you have sent us to explain your problem. If you have received one or several emails back from us, thanks in advance to forward them as well.

    Best regards,

    Top Sellerie
    Very nice! The wizard is awesome, too! You should post those pics in your album, too. You motivated me to post some of my art pics in my album! :D I love all things glass.
    I just browsed through your photo album. Your wife is a very talented artist!! what is your bike mod project made from? Almost looks like stained glass.
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