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  1. Doorag

    New member welcome thread..

    Just wanted to say howdy to everyone again. After many years off my Fazer it looks like I might be back in the family!
  2. Doorag


    I'm sure someone has already posted this but just in case... New Full Scale Electric Tron Lightcycle Parker Brothers Choppers - YouTube
  3. Doorag

    Snagged one! (FINALLY)

    Nice bike! Too bad you got one of the slow blue ones ;)
  4. Doorag

    Hey everyone

    I haven't been around much recently since I don't have a bike at the moment and I started a new job that's been unbelievably busy. It's reassuring to see some of the same faces around though. I'm starting to get the itch for another bike now. The pain of losing the last one is fading...
  5. Doorag

    Japanese Relief

    I still haven't been able to find any organisations taking non-cash donations or looking for volunteers to help so if any of you see anything in the media or run across any yourselves, please let me know.
  6. Doorag

    Japanese Relief

    I hope this isn't breaking any forum rules, but I put together a quick blog post with a list of places you can make a donation to the Japanese relief effort. Japanese Relief | The One Kind Thing Initiative I'm also looking for anyone taking non-cash donations. If any of you run across...
  7. Doorag

    I can't believe it...

    Re: I can't believe it... **Update** Good news!!! They caught the b*stards who took my bike stealing an R1 outside one of the main police stations in London. (No, I'm not kidding) They saw them doing it on CCTV and let them get the bike in the van and drive away before nabbing them so they...
  8. Doorag

    I can't believe it...

    Thanks for all the nice comments everyone! I'll probably stop riding all the way into London and just ride to the train station around here and catch the train into town. I can't bear another one being taken. I would drive a car, but there's a congestion charge in London that's around £10...
  9. Doorag

    I can't believe it...

    So the update is this: they have finally lost the signal from the tracker completely. That most likely means it's been found and destroyed. However, they do have a fix on the last known location within about 1/4 of a mile. The tracker company is working with the police to see if they can locate...
  10. Doorag

    I can't believe it...

    I wish I could move the office. I told them when they announced it that it would be trouble.
  11. Doorag

    I can't believe it...

    I hate the area where my office is. It's one of the highest bike theft rates in London. I guess that's no more riding to work anymore.
  12. Doorag

    I can't believe it...

    my Gixxer got stolen yesterday! :( I had it locked (through another chain as well), covered, parked tight between two other bikes (to make it harder to get at) and the b*stards still got it. I guess if someone wants a bike bad enough, they will get it. It has a tracker fitted so there's...
  13. Doorag

    What's the one, single part on your bike you love the most?

    I'll start with two words: slipper clutch. I love mine. It's one of the best parts of my new bike. Every bike should have one and it will be a mod on all my future bikes.
  14. Doorag

    Impressions of my first SuperSport

    I use 3.785.
  15. Doorag

    Guy crashes brand new motorcycle

    HEY! ;) Actually I can totally understand how that could happen - especially if he's never been on a litre super sport bike before. They are total animals. I've already had one 'brown trouser' moment turning out of a parking lot when the road was damp and the tires were cold. I had a bit of...
  16. Doorag

    Rossi Tests Shoulder Riding on a Ducati 1198 at Misano

    I can empathise. I had shoulder surgery around the same time as him and there's no way I could race with it. I can ride to work and back, but I couldn't endure race level forces.
  17. Doorag

    Impressions of my first SuperSport

    I'm American, I just live in the UK. (Although the UK still does driving in miles/mph/mpg not kilometers. I don't know why.) I was born and raised in Memphis. Anyway, I thought pushing 40mpg is pretty good for a supersport bike. There's no fuel gauge, just a reserve light and the most I've got...
  18. Doorag

    Impressions of my first SuperSport

    Sweet! Thanks.
  19. Doorag

    Impressions of my first SuperSport

    So I thought I'd share some of my thoughts on my new Gixxer now that I've been riding her in anger for a week and have done almost 750 miles. Keep in mind that this is the only 'big' bike I've ridden other than my old Fazer. Speed 9/10 - Fast. Really fast. Dangerously, lose your license...
  20. Doorag

    New Bike (with pics!)

    Yeah, that was part of the reason I got it. Most of the expensive mods have already been done. Just get on and go!