Impressions of my first SuperSport


Senior Member
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
West London
So I thought I'd share some of my thoughts on my new Gixxer now that I've been riding her in anger for a week and have done almost 750 miles. Keep in mind that this is the only 'big' bike I've ridden other than my old Fazer.

  1. Speed 9/10 - Fast. Really fast. Dangerously, lose your license fast. I have no idea what the top speed might be but it should be the mid-170s. Gets a 9 (not a 10) because of the fear factor.
  2. Power 10/10 - Powerful. In 'A' mode (full power) I have to be very careful if there's even a hint of damp on the roads. (Seeing as this is England in the winter, you can imagine what that means - not a lot of riding in 'A' mode unless it's on the motorway.) Part of the reason I wanted to get a higher capacity bike was that sometimes the Fazer felt like it was straining a bit haul my fat arse around. Particularly in passing situations. Not so on the Gixxer. I can literally be in any gear at almost any speed and still get a good bit of stomp out of it. My God, torque is a beautiful thing.
  3. Handling 8/10 - I haven't had a chance to try the handling. See above. Gets an 8 because I'm sure it's awesome.
  4. Economy 9/10 - Currently averaging 38.1mpg over 5 tanks. I've tested in each mode (A, B, and C) for a full tank and I've also tried combinations (e.g. 'A' mode on the motorway and 'C' mode in town) and it all works out pretty much the same.
  5. Convenience 5/10 - The first day I rode to work I lost my rucksack off the back (yes, it was tied down). The only thing I was able to recover was my chain and lock. All the contents (crackberry, etc...) were gone, my bag was completely destroyed, and I lost my bike cover in the process too. :( Now I carry everything on my back. The Fazer was much more suited to carrying stuff with my nice 46L rear box. My first mod to the Gixxer is going to be creating a mounting bracket for a Givi box so I can carry my stuff. I know that's tantamount to blasphemy but I use it at least 100 miles a day so I need to be comfortable.
  6. Psychic Ability 9/10 - The bike seems to instinctively know what I want to do and it just does it by itself. For example, here's a scenario:
    Think to myself, "Maybe I should speed up a bit." --> Look down at speedo and see 70mph --> Think to myself, "80 should do." --> Quick check of speed before accelerating and the bike is already going 82 with no discernible turn of the wrist.​
    It knows. I'm sure it reads my mind. Gets 8/10 because it's usually 2-5mph over where I want to be. (I imagine this will resolve itself in time as she gets to know me.)
Those of you who have ridden SS bikes before will probably remember what your first bike was like. I'm going through that joy at the moment. :D
congratulations my friend, be safe and enjoy the ride, I'm pretty sure that a SS bike is the best, but for me the FZ6 is the bike to have for at least 1 more year.


Now I can't wait. Haha I shouldn't have read that. Still 3-4 months away from riding season.

I wish my R1 had a way to tone it down a bit. I'm worried I'm going to trash the thing being less-than-subtle on the throttle in corners.

Now I can't wait. Haha I shouldn't have read that. Still 3-4 months away from riding season.

I wish my R1 had a way to tone it down a bit. I'm worried I'm going to trash the thing being less-than-subtle on the throttle in corners.

There's always this: - Z-Fi TC YZF R1 07-08

(ok so it's a bit pricey)
Well, the '07 comes with this thing called YCCT which is supposed to help a little bit. It isn't true traction control, but helps by smoothing power delivery out of the throttle with a fly-by-wire sort of arrangement.

Yamaha Chip Control Throttle (YCC-T) is now fitted to the 2007 R1. This system electronically controls the throttle valves for outstanding response and improved controllability at all rpms. The YCC-T is used to provide even more control of the intake air volume for smoother torque character. Similar to the R6 design, the YCC-T features 3 - ECU's inside the main ECU to control ignition, fuel injection and the YCC-T. This special ECU is capable of responding to changes at a speed of 1000th of a second.

So it won't really help ole ham-fisted Lone cranking the throttle coming out of corners. And yeah, I can't afford that, but maybe down the road it would be a good investment. Thanks for linking. Didn't know you could install those like that.
You providing figures in MPH? Aren't you from the UK? You mean clicks right?

If it is 38 MPG meaining miles not kilometers, how can that be a 9/10? I don't think 38 mpg is that great. How many miles or kilometers can you go without refueling and does it have a gas gauge like the FZ?
You providing figures in MPH? Aren't you from the UK? You mean clicks right?

If it is 38 MPG meaining miles not kilometers, how can that be a 9/10? I don't think 38 mpg is that great. How many miles or kilometers can you go without refueling and does it have a gas gauge like the FZ?
I'm American, I just live in the UK. (Although the UK still does driving in miles/mph/mpg not kilometers. I don't know why.) I was born and raised in Memphis. Anyway, I thought pushing 40mpg is pretty good for a supersport bike. There's no fuel gauge, just a reserve light and the most I've got out of a tank yet is about 125 miles. I also haven't been able to ride it normally for an entire tank (the Arrows just sound too good) so I expect to get a bit more when I can settle down.
I'm American, I just live in the UK. (Although the UK still does driving in miles/mph/mpg not kilometers. I don't know why.) I was born and raised in Memphis. Anyway, I thought pushing 40mpg is pretty good for a supersport bike. There's no fuel gauge, just a reserve light and the most I've got out of a tank yet is about 125 miles. I also haven't been able to ride it normally for an entire tank (the Arrows just sound too good) so I expect to get a bit more when I can settle down.

Do you have a British accent yet? You miss barbeque ribs? Or have you converted over to fish n chips?

Refueling after every 100 miles would irritate the hell out me. I hate refueling. A big plus on the FZ6, you didn't have to refuel until after 200 miles or so.

I never understood why so many motorcycles don't come equipped with an accurate fuel gauge. I think it's one of the most important indicators on any vehicle. Blinking fuel light, big help. LOL..

Glad you're enjoying your new ride though, and glad that you are still on this forum.
no gas gauge is probably a weight saving measure :D

i admit that the fuel gauge was one of the things that swung getting an fz6 for me. Though I tend to refuel after about 150-180miles as that's when it starts flashing at me.
You providing figures in MPH? Aren't you from the UK? You mean clicks right?

If it is 38 MPG meaining miles not kilometers, how can that be a 9/10? I don't think 38 mpg is that great.

UK gallon = 4.546l
US gallon = 3.785l

(edit) On second thought, that would make the mileage even worse....