Search results

  1. Susan

    Nakusp-Vernon-Revelstoke loop: Have you taken this ride?

    Hi, all. I got a neat opportunity to write about biking in western Canada, and I'm looking for someone who rode through Nakusp and took a photo along the way. Could I interview you asap, pretty please?
  2. Susan

    Back on two wheels :)

    Monica, that depends on your definition of near. We're in the Kootenays (ten or twelve hours east of Vancouver). Sonny Boy is doing well on the bike, although he does have a bit of a dirt-biker style as he takes sharp corners in the gravel (we're quite rural here, with horrible roads around our...
  3. Susan

    Back on two wheels :)

    Can someone pleeeeeease tell my kids that? :rolleyes: I have to say it makes me nervous. He's careful in the car, and he's been riding his bike sandwiched between his dad and me (so there's none of that rocketing around with testosterone in his gas tank), but in a few weeks he's taking his...
  4. Susan

    Back on two wheels :)

    This week the weather smartened up, and we finally insured our bikes. Ya-hoooo! :D Our 16-y-o son got his permit, so we put him on my Nighthawk and took him up the lake road yesterday (after taking him out other places to be sure he has a handle on things, which he does). Now if only the...
  5. Susan

    ~~~ What did you do to your Bike Today Thread??? ~~~

    According to hubby, it's more to keep mice from crawling in there and packing the exhaust system with mouse nest. We live in the country. So do a lot of the one who made a nest in my air filter element one winter. Though a mouse can get through plastic, it takes just a quick glance...
  6. Susan

    ~~~ What did you do to your Bike Today Thread??? ~~~

    I'm still working on the winterizing process (not a big deal rush, since Precious is relaxing in our heated shop). The other day I got around to taking out the battery and covering the ends of the tailpipes. Still have to oil the forks, and I think that'll about do it. If I drag this out long...
  7. Susan

    Cooking / baking thread!

    It's a really yummy type of sausage.
  8. Susan

    Cooking / baking thread!

    Whoopie Pie. They're pretty much just butter and calories. :(
  9. Susan

    I DID it!

    I hated my first time and every time after that. :eek: My line, my body position, and my throttle hand are all adjusted now so that it won't happen.
  10. Susan

    Had my first accident, hope to gain insights into cornering

    I was out with my husband, and we were having a rousing (or befuddling) discussion about physics and cornering, hoping really hard that someone here would have a brain with a functional physics part. Thank you for sharing yours. :-) :cheer: I think it might after I ponder it long enough...
  11. Susan

    Had my first accident, hope to gain insights into cornering

    I have a physics question. If everything else is equal, do a rider's mass and center of gravity affect the amount the rider would need to shift his/her weight relative to the bike around a corner? The science part of my brain (which might be faulty) tells me a larger rider is getting some...
  12. Susan

    Thanks for the rep. :)

    Thanks for the rep. :)
  13. Susan

    Last Ride of the Year

    Re: Last Ride of the Year (Ooooh! Nope! Read the tag wrong!) Hubby's is red, white, and blue, too. I get a lot of attention from old codgers when I ride it, LOL. UPDATE! Dh noticed that I read the expiration date wrong on my plate. I'm good until the end of the month, woo-hoo! (In my...
  14. Susan

    Last Ride of the Year

    Monica, that is awesome! Dh (who also has a VF) won't let me keep Precious in the house. I read mostly online articles on riding. Perhaps it's time to check out something more in-depth.
  15. Susan

    Last Ride of the Year

    Sorry, no pics. :-( It was the last ride for me because my insurance ran out. And of course it was rainy half the summer and it's gorgeous now, argh! DH might have to hide the key to his bike...
  16. Susan

    Last Ride of the Year

    We couldn't have had a much nicer day for Precious's last ride of the year. It was chilly, but the sun was out, the leaves were all colors, and there wasn't much traffic on the lake road. Dh and I rode to Crawford Bay for lunch (and to warm him up, since he won't wear his rain gear and winter...
  17. Susan

    Would a louder horn be considered Safety Equipment?

    Gotcha. I agree, that's not a good way to drive. I don't want to start a kerfuffle, just want to think out loud for a second. After thinking harder about what exactly was making me feel so strongly about that post... I think it was this: The context I picked up from that (perhaps...
  18. Susan

    Would a louder horn be considered Safety Equipment?

    I do get that there's a time and place to use a horn. The way you described her going out of control sounds dangerous for her and everyone else, though. (You will be happy to know my driving doesn't require people to honk their horns at me.)
  19. Susan

    Would a louder horn be considered Safety Equipment?

    I sure hope you're joking.
  20. Susan

    Would a louder horn be considered Safety Equipment?

    I don't know that being louder helps that much (maybe a little in some circumstances). So many times I've been inside a minivan with the windows up, not distracted, no loud music... and a bike with loud pipes blows past. I see him coming in my mirrors, but I don't hear him at all until he's...