Cooking / baking thread!

Everyone here deserves a big thanks! I haven't been following this so much but it sure looks good! Since my BBQ gave way to rust and neglect, I just haven't been eating as good. Shoulda bought a new one in the summer but didn't. I don't cook much of any meat on the stove as I favor the BBQ.

Right now I'm dying for a flank steak split up the middle and filled w/grilled veggies - mushrooms, onions, peppers, jalapeño.... and dipped in horseradish.... So yummy!

Plus my stock of jalapeño brats has come to an end. It was my fall/winter stash from saturday market from a local seller... I got careless and used them for breakfast fixings.... To bring a touch of summer to the winter blues...

Jalapeño Bratwurst
Let me say that Buns matter when serving up your brat so find some good ones! Favorite fixings in a Brat are:

-Farmers market spicy hot jalapeño brats!
Boil Brat for 10 min in as little beer as it takes to cover them. Throw in onions and peppers and if not hot enough Sriracha sauce or hot peppers of choice. Boil a bit longer if you need to pick up the temp a bit.
Remove from pot and onto the grill (pan fry if no grill), cook slow as as not to break the skin.
  • Sauté onions, yellow peppers, and anything else you fancy
  • Grill buns and serve with the following list of Toxins...
  • Litehouse - jalapeño ranch dressing
  • Sriracha sauce
  • Sauerkraut
  • Jalapeño sweet relish
  • Horseradish
  • Grilled fixens....

- Fill that grilled bun and wrap in foil for at least 4 minutes

Granted this stuff is bad for you but it sure tastes good!
OK last time I cooked Pork Ribs I was chastised for no pics, so they will come but let me tell you what I did.
Lasdt Saturday picked up one rib, knowing tonight I am home alone and wont have to share( am I a bastard?... yes) besides Kez isn't a big meat eater so its really my opportunity to eat a big hunk of MEAT!
any way on Sunday I made the following marinade cut the rib in half threw it in a bag and into the freeze til Monday night:
!x teaspoon of honey
1x teaspoon seeded mustard
1x teaspoon hot english mustard
2x teaspoons soy sauce
1/4 cup orange juice,
1/4 teaspoon hot chilli powder
mix it all and throw in the rib/s

So Monday night thaw it out and leave it to sit in the fridge all day Tuesday
Tuesday night on to the hotplate with the heat under the grill for 45 minutes, throw on half a zucchinini with baharat spices and a little olive oil, a tomatoe with some smoky paprika, a corn cob and then an egg.
Menwhile heat the left over marinade in a pot on the stove witha a splash of shiraz in it. It might not look great but it tasted ace
My Gumbo
1/2 chicken
1lbs sausage
3 tomatoes
1 onion
3 stalks celery
1 bell pepper
3 bay leaves
1/2 oil
1/2 flour
1 table spoon of butter
gumbo fillet
Cajun seasons

boil 1/2 chicken in stock pot

cut 1 onion, 1 bell pepper, 3 stalks of celery, and 1lbs sausage, cut into 1/4-inch slices. In a large heavy bottom soup pot, I add tbs of butter and cook all this until onions are nice and sautéed.

The chicken is done when the meat starts to fall off bone. Remove all bones, and fat from stock.

Add the chicken meat, 3 cut tomatoes, 2 bay leaves, and stock to the cooked sausage, and veg in the large pot. You may need to add a little water to fill the pot. I season with salt, pepper, and any and every Cajun season that I might have in the pantry. Let that slow cook.

Now here's the trick, the rue. Rue is equal parts veg oil, and flour. Get a heavy bottom pan up to med heat. Add 1/2 cup of oil to pan. When oil is warm, add 1/2 up of flour. Stir over med heat for 20 min. You can NEVER STOP STIRRING, OR IT WILL BURN. If it burns start over. After 20min of non stop stirring, remove from heat and let cool down.

Once the rue is cool, add it to the main pot along with 1/2lb of okra. If you can find a product call gumbo fillet, add 1/4 cup, and let slow cook for 2 hours. It's best on day two after it's been in the frig over night. Reheat and serve with rice.
Due to time constants - actual instructions to be added later!

FWIW: i'm the official Pie B$tch! I make a mean apple pie that everyone awaits! Ahha... The bad news is ma is going in for pretty major surgery Wed before Turkey day so I thought it best to make these now. Wed could be a long day!

Round one under way....

Add the top and into the OVEN!!!

Final product.... Yes, house smells Good now! :thumbup:

Apple Pie

Top & Bottom Crust

3C Flour
1-1/8C butter flavored shortening
1/2 cold water

I throw 80% of the water in at the start add the rest once partially mixed (not all is required tho), hand need the ball till it becomes fully mixed, warm and pliable enough its not cracking from looking at it. Don't go to fast, don't let it sit too long. If the dough ball must sit for more than 30", cover or wrap tightly.

Clean a large work surface, apply an even layer of flour. Hand flatten 2/3 of the dough as flat as possible and then start rolling big enough to fill your pie plate and hang over a little. Trim excess leaving a finger width hanging. Keep the other 1/3 for the top.

~1C sugar, depends how sweet you like your pie, what time of year it is and how sweet the apples are! Add or reduce per taste test.
~5Ts flour. Again, really juicy apples, add more so pie isn't runny.
1ts Cinnamon
A couple small shakes of nutmeg. Don't go nuts here.
1/2ts salt (optional)

Mix all these in bowl

APPLE PEELER! For years I peeled apples by hand but an actual peeler is a godsend!
~10 - 12 larger apples. Use 3 different types just in case one type is sour. Fill microwavable mixing bowl making about 2 quarts.

As slice your apples into thin wedges, throw them in the bowl and add the Mix. With about 2qts nuke them to soften them and cook them down. After about 8min if you have lots of juice cook off, add more flour to thicken it. Not paste, but not runny. Sweeten to taste bud desire.

Fill the pie plate. Contents should heap over the top slightly. Level it up leaving the center high.
Roll out the top. When I do the shells I roll them up onto themselves, move them over the pie plate and unroll them from the edge.

Gather excess topping pushing it into the plates edges so as the mound rises in the oven it doesn't tear. Leave about finger width over and roll the top and bottom together folding the bottom over the top. Pinch them around the outside making it all pretty like!

I attempt to make a cute little Apple for the center but usually fail! Slicing the pattern shown allows the apples to swell up and usually the crust will flex enough to not break and then settle back down.

Sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on top and throw it in the over on 375F for about an hour! That's it.
With a peeler I can do about 1 pie an hour. Cleaning the mess takes longer!
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Due to time constants - actual instructions to be added later!

FWIW: i'm the official Pie B$tch! I make a mean apple pie that everyone awaits! Ahha... The bad news is ma is going in for pretty major surgery Wed before Turkey day so I thought it best to make these now. Wed could be a long day!

Round one under way....

Add the top and into the OVEN!!!

In Texas we have Blue Bell icecream for that pie. What do you have in the northwest?
Due to time constants - actual instructions to be added later!

FWIW: i'm the official Pie B$tch!

That looks AMAZING, Randy!! I've not made apple pie in a looong time (mainly because apple crisp and apple buckle are so much easier to make :D )

Good luck to your ma.. hope it goes well!
In Texas we have Blue Bell icecream for that pie. What do you have in the northwest?

We have our local dairy which whips up Tillamook Vanilla Bean! :thumbup: Of course yogurt and cheese come from them cows too.
Whoopie Pie. They're pretty much just butter and calories. :(

I'm going to go ahead and say this:

I really wish I was riding today instead of cooking this bird, and waiting for family and friends to arrive and the madness to ensue.

Here's to cracking the throttle tomorrow morning! Have a great Thanksgiving all!
What makes it Irish? We don't have this in Texas.

It looks great.:rockon:

The Irish in this cheesecake is 1/4 cup of Bailey's Irish Cream :thumbup:

I'm 5 hours north of home at the moment. I'll post the recipe when I get back (Saturday or Sunday).