
  1. S

    Buying used FZ6, what to watch out for?

    Hi, I am thinking about buying a used FZ6 again. I looked at one the other day it was in great condition but quite greasy around the engine area, especialy at the bottom. I was wondering if this is something to worry about and if anyone knows about problems with oil leaks or something similar...
  2. N

    WTB: saddle bags & arai vector tinted face shield

    EDIT: I bought all of these items. This thread is closed/ outdated ! I'm looking to buy some saddle bags. I'm not too particular on the brand, as long as it's good. EDIT: I'm not looking for saddle bags anymore. I also need a tinted Arai face shield that will fit in the Vector line of...
  3. B

    Why I picked FZ6

    I write this for anyone considering purchasing a bike and thinking about an FZ6 as an option. I recently went through the decision making process myself, and thought I’d share my thoughts. This morning I was pouring over my bike mags while waiting for my new FZ6 to be delivered from the...