2 Brothers Group buy...


Jay- Tshirt Inventor Guy.
Elite Member
Nov 2, 2008
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After looking into this sites group buy for 2 brothers, i was messing around and came across an ebay listing for TB carbons for $725 Shipped! Pretty awesome deal... after sending the company (ebay store) an email, i was told that he could do a group buy for $699 shipped... right now im waiting to hear back as to how many people we would need to go through with it. But for now, who would be interested? Ebay listings like this sometimes scare me, but he has a very good rating... powerseller 1118 rating

As stated in previous threads.. not sure if he would have that same price for over seas, that could be worked out also.

so would anyone be interested in a $699 shipped deal?

feed back on him..
1 month 84+
6 month 344+ 1neu 1-
year 751+ 6 neu 3-
Last edited:
After looking into this sites group buy for 2 brothers, i was messing around and came across an ebay listing for TB carbons for $725 Shipped! Pretty awesome deal... after sending the company (ebay store) an email, i was told that he could do a group buy for $699 shipped... right now im waiting to hear back as to how many people we would need to go through with it. But for now, who would be interested? Ebay listings like this sometimes scare me, but he has a very good rating... powerseller 1118 rating

As stated in previous threads.. not sure if he would have that same price for over seas, that could be worked out also.

so would anyone be interested in a $699 shipped deal?

feed back on him..
1 month 84+
6 month 344+ 1neu 1-
year 751+ 6 neu 3-

From Dennis the TB CF's would be about $780 CAN or about $625 US shipped

I paid $730 USD for everything I got shipped which was TB CF's and 2 P1 silencers. that was back when the exchange rate wasn't as good (keep in mind that the P1's are about $30 usd each)
i dunno, i literally just PMed him on tue and he said...
Also the prices are all now In USD... so 750 USD and 30 USD... for shipping does that still work for you?

anyway.. no biggy, these are being shipped out on monday and i should get from the PA warehouse on tue or wed... sweeet
Yep It was originally all in CAN dollare but the Vendor due to the crappy Can-USD exchange rate changed the prices....

It was good while it lasted:thumbup:
Yep It was originally all in CAN dollare but the Vendor due to the crappy Can-USD exchange rate changed the prices....

It was good while it lasted:thumbup:

What else in Canada can we import here to the US before the dollar crashes? :)
Well I just found this seller on e-bay and instead of buying now for 743.99, i made an offer of 700... we will see if he still takes it.