2008 FZ6-Forum Tribute Video!

Very cool. :thumbup: Neat to be able to put faces to the names. Maybe one day I'll get a half-way decent pic up. Wait, who am I kidding... no such thing as a decent pic of me!
Wow, that was real cool. Looks like you put a lot of time and effort into this video clip. Once again, thanks and well done. Tastefully well done as well. You're right, couldn't be done without all the members, but I'll give credit where it's do. Thanks Janette. Make sure this ones a Sticky.
lol yeah...I spent alot of hours on this, but it was worth it!!!
THATS AWESOME J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We need a forums most valuable member award for you!!:thumbup:
Wow! That is really really great, thank you so much J!

That must have taken you a LOT of time to find all of our photos but I'm so glad you did. It is wonderful to see everyone's face.

Thanks again,
Oh shoot...

I was too late. Drat. Well...it was a very good video though! WOW! I liked it. I think most people have seen my pic's anyway, so it's all good.
Awesome work Janette. Thank you very much. You did good!

Elm, I havent seen your picture. I know you dont have crazy fox ears.

I have one pointy ear but thats another story.