2015 Ride to Work Day: 6/15/15

About to gear up. The local forecast is for thunderstorms after noon till evening. Good chance I'll come home wet.

Payne - :D

Same thing here too,some strategic timing got me to office before the rains started and the only(or first) motorcycle in the parking lot this morning (maybe monday effect) coz of the rain forecast.
I didn't ride to work today, Tuesday. It was raining at departure time. But it's sunny now.
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I didn't ride to work either. Rode Saturday , rebuilt forks didn't feel right. I pulled the fork caps Sunday only to find out that who ever did the work on my forks may not have screwed the fork cap to one of the damper rods. The owner of the shop is looking into it now.
I wish it rained here.

The ride in was nice - No traffic, it was about 90 degrees but still dark and I banged out my 31 mile commute in just over 20 minutes and walked in to work light on my feet and giddy.

The ride home was 110 degrees and took well over an hour, this after working 14 hours in the same oppressive heat. I came home and drank a cold beer in a cold shower and went straight to bed. I didn't work Tuesday.

Only four more days of spring! I can't wait for summer! :Flip:
Has this finished yet or what? Three times this morning I got stuck behind bikes who's riding stank of "Sunday afternoon". Lane position all wrong, no filtering, not looking for gaps, not reading sleepy drivers, not making opportunities for themselves. It was like they'd never experienced traffic before.
In the US the organizing group calls for Monday to be Ride to Work DAY.

This link to a site in the UK seems to be advocating for a WEEK. So, if that group is the main organizer, you'll still have Friday. ....sorry...

Ride To Work Week
The third Monday in June, I was actually thinking it was going to be next Monday, but, as everyday I took my bike to work, to find my FZ6 was the only bike in our building's motorcycle parking lot.

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