8 years with MSF, 3 years of coaching.. and this is the funniest thing to date!


Howie Mandel's evil twin
Elite Member
Apr 28, 2009
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Pittsford, VT
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I went to help close up one of our sites on Sunday. When I got there, I spotted the range coordinator holding a tank upside down over his head and looking up.

(before you read the rest.. at the end of each class, we have to re-fuel the bikes and coaches often look for ways to save time)

Me: "Mike, what are you doing?"
Mike: "There's a key in the tank"
Me: "How the heck did that happen?"
Mike: "At the end of the class, coaches told the students to put the keys in the tank"

:rof: :rof: :rof:
The files are IN the computer...

That's great! Here is another classic movie quote! So many from this movie...

Harry: What's her last name? I'll look it up.
Lloyd: You know, I don't really recall. Starts with an S! Let's see. Swim? Swammi? Slippy? Slappy? Swenson? Swanson?
Harry: Maybe it's on the briefcase.
Lloyd: Oh, yeah! It's right here.
[He reads the manufacturer's name, which is Samsonite]
Lloyd: Samsonite! I was way off! I knew it started with an S, though.
Devil's advocate; cut the dude (or dudette) a break; they were nervous and probably happy they didn't drop the bike (right Eric??).

No need for so much hate. Yeah they did something silly but I don't know if sterilizing them is necessarily the key :ban:!

P.S. The files are IN the computer!
Am I missing something?

Did the student hear the coach wrong and take that literally or did the coach really say "Put the keys in the tank"? If the latter is the case I'm not sure what the coach would have been trying to imply. Obviously leaving the keys in the ignition would make the most sense.
Oh no, I'm going to derail another thread....

I wasn't advocating sterilizing them but...wow.... I'm in a specialized line of work. We get lots of "unique" individuals here. Over the past 10 years, I've realized one thing - every time we make an excuse for someone doing something crazy, we enable that madness to spread and infect others. In my line of work, stupidity that isn't immediately destroyed will eventually become policy or get everyone killed. We lose at least 10% of our training time to mandatory classes/events revolving around making excuses for the weak and stupid. It's getting worse every year.

All I want to do is take the warning labels off of the chemical bottles for a year. Just to thin the herd enough that we might make it another one-hundred years. "This stuff dissolves epoxy? I wonder if I can use it for eyedrops...?".

I wish it was just hate or something that I could justify berating myself for believing.

Put the keys in the gas tank. Obviously, the instructor didn't want some crazy student to leave them in the ignition and kill the battery or some other newbie crazyiness. Virtually every tank I've seen has a key slot in/on/around the fuel cap. Safer place for a newb to leave the keys than in the ignition. Easily visible for the instructor to do a visual sweep of the keys (although I prefer the "touch it, feel it" method myself).

Enough ranting. :ban:
Some of the training bikes will not require a key to refuel. I will remind them to leave the key in the ignition in the "Off" Position. Many still forget to turn their ignition off even after repeating Thumb, key valve dozens of times over the course of the day.

I also refuel the bikes during the students lunch break on the 2nd day, so I don't have to refuel it at the very end of the day. The mileage that they put on the bikes is usually minimal since only the practice and evaluation remains, or at the most one or two more range exercise left if it's a class from hell.

Refueling the bike was one of the things I hate doing the most. I can never refuel the bikes without spilling, those damn fuel containers sucks.
Devil's advocate; cut the dude (or dudette) a break; they were nervous and probably happy they didn't drop the bike (right Eric??).

No need for so much hate. Yeah they did something silly but I don't know if sterilizing them is necessarily the key :ban:!

P.S. The files are IN the computer!

Yeah, definitely don't mean to belittle the student (even if he/she had *that* kind of moment). Coach is partially to blame.. gotta be careful what we say. I'm sure "put the key in the tank" was what the coach said, so I can't fully blame the student.

I just found it hilarious and wanted to share it with you all. Wish I could've been there to see the coach's face :rof:
I also refuel the bikes during the students lunch break on the 2nd day, so I don't have to refuel it at the very end of the day. The mileage that they put on the bikes is usually minimal since only the practice and evaluation remains, or at the most one or two more range exercise left if it's a class from hell.

One of our ranges makes it very difficult to do this. Range is about 300 feet from the container. Unless one of the coaches brings the car in (we usually ride to range), there's no good way to refuel until the bikes are back at the container.

I typically don't ask students to do anything special when I tell them to ride bikes to the container (another coach is usually there to catch them). It takes very little time to pull the key from ignition and insert into gas cap. Nice if they leave it in N, but even that's no big deal.

And yeah.. I'm not a big fan of refueling. Our cans are pretty good (no spilling), but I'm usually exhausted by refueling time.
Dont pretty much all bikes lock the key in the tank cap once it's opened? I didnt even think this was even possible.
Dont pretty much all bikes lock the key in the tank cap once it's opened? I didnt even think this was even possible.

most of the little 250 cc bikes they provide at MSF classes do not even require a key to open the fuel hatch.
Always fun refueling around 3 or 4 in the afternoon during the summer heat back in Las Vegas. Putting the bikes away inside the hot metal containers is no fun either. No ventilation.

On the Retsorg forum, not sure if was created by me, but there was a thread about creating your dream range. I suggested remote controlled led lights, the lights would configure to the range exercise that you elect. No more picking and kicking those damn cones! Also a climate controlled indoor range. And since were on the topic of fuel, an actual fuel pump! You could record how much fuel you used for each class.
I suggested remote controlled led lights, the lights would configure to the range exercise that you elect. No more picking and kicking those damn cones!

I've been dreaming of that since the start! That'd be so sweet!
most of the little 250 cc bikes they provide at MSF classes do not even require a key to open the fuel hatch.

Majority of our bikes are Suzuki GN125. They require keys and the key can be taken out once cap is open.

We also have TWs, Nighthawks and Rebels. All require keys.