Air filter+ rent free guest= trouble.


Junior Member
Apr 20, 2011
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Rockland, MA
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Pulled my air filter out since it was a nice and warm day on the east coast (39 degrees) and found bunch of stuffing , pine nuts and some other stuff that I know doesn't belong there.


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Just out of curiosity is that the new one already, or is that an old one?
def old one, new one in there now

and I was riding like this since the filter is one thing I didnt check when I bought the bike, bike felt good and I was impressed with its performance. Little bugger was even chewing on the plastic cover and I thing he did the airbox mod for me. I am sure it didn't happened at my place but am glad I found it and cleaned it out.
Rodent = +1
7Up = 0

Evil little bugger! Hopefully it "sucks more" in a good way now! :welcome:
def old one, new one in there now

and I was riding like this since the filter is one thing I didnt check when I bought the bike, bike felt good and I was impressed with its performance. Little bugger was even chewing on the plastic cover and I thing he did the airbox mod for me. I am sure it didn't happened at my place but am glad I found it and cleaned it out.

Good deal, I was about to feel really bad for you. I am trying to picture how the little bugger got in there in the first place.

It's almost as bad as my neighbor who had a cat that would climb onto the radiator of their old truck when they'd get home in the winter (big engine bay). One day they just stopped for a short while and went to get back in the truck. Fired it up and a god awful commotion ensued. Nicest way to say the kitty now had a nub for a tail and the tail needed to be removed from the serpentine belt. And my neighbor who had a little girl that was a awful monster was crying, I kind of laughed cause she was so mean, then I remembered it wasn't the cats fault.
It's a horror film....... 'Critters in the airbox! AHHHHH

Just like Ice Age!
[ame=]Squirrel fills Antenna with Acorns - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Ice Age: Scrat's Continental Crack-Up - YouTube[/ame]