Almost time

It's almost time to put our babies back to sleep for the winter :-(
Am sad....

poor fz :(

I have 2 bikes and I know I wont ride both all winter, I had a hard time deciding which one and even thought my fz would be a good summer only bike, but the superior preformance over my 250 made the choice easier.

Also no that heater grips and grip puppies are on the way it's pretty much decided that the fz is my year round bike... I am not sure when I'll ever ride my 250 again.
Well I can't say much about winter storage since this is my first bike. I love it, but I dought it if I am going to not ride it during winter. We will see how cold is going to get.
Most likely I will take her out if it nice and sunny out there. Just layer up my gear and hopefully that will do the trick. I am to addictive to riding now, I rode almost 6300 miles with in 5 months of having her, so I don't see my self storaging my bike for a while.
I'll ride until black ice sightings come in. Rode today... it was 38 degrees when I jumped on. It was NICE!!! Good gear... because I was starting to sweat a bit as I pulled into work.

I take back roads to work with one short burst on the highway at the start to avoid downtown. Thus, most of the ride is under 45 mph. Even on the highway though, I'm still rather comfortable.

Snow will come though and along with that is salt and sand. All three are her enemies! That's when she'll hibernate till spring.
Same feeling here. Expect frost next week on the road. Overall, I did have a great season, got my full license in July. What really sucked was the amount of rain we had this year.

I just came back from my final ride today to get the fuel stablizer going. I would definitely continue riding before snow falls, but I didn't invest in a warmer jacket. I'm still wearing a mesh jacket with fleece underneath and I think I've reached my limit with that combo. I'll be keeping an eye out during next year's bike show.

My last decent ride was last Sunday morning through downtown, very peaceful and quiet. Sorry I didn’t give you a call, I'm very spontaneous and I end up doing alot of short runs when my bike isn’t going to work. Also, I’m not sure if you wanted to wake up 6:30 for 7 AM and only riding for an hour.

I'll have a better season next year; I can start at the beginning and take on my new challenge....rain!!!!!

We’ll try to plan a few long trips next season. Tomorrow, my battery is coming off. :(
And i put my baby back to sleep :(

I feel like mother nature took a piss on me and made it snow in October when last year we had snow the 20th of November:(
I sure hope I won't have to put her away. Not really sure yet as it's my first winter with her. I will not ride on salt/snow/ice/dirt.
The roads here are only bad when it snows. Some years we get very little in the valley (like 2 years ago), some years we get a bunch and the roads never really clear (like last). So it's all up to Mother Nature.
We already had snow, but it didn't stick (fingers crossed knock on wood)! That's the only bad part of WI. The 3 seasons: Bike season, winter, and construction.