April 2012 Scavenger Hunt

Cool, thanks for the retry. I'll try to look for another 'something open' pic. Can this be as simple as a door being open?

This is an awesome game! I really liked the riding game thread as well, but it got to where no one was playing when it got cold. I like this better because it has actual deadlines and bonus points for having things done at a certain time.
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Oh boy, do I suck.

I let down all current and future participants. I had no idea there was a Friday the 13th this month.

Forgive me.
(Head hung low)

If anyone wanted to post a 13th themed picture on the 13th, I would not object.

This is why I will have bonus points in reserve for next month. I will be able to award them for creativity, humor and spontaneous bonus objects, as well as obvious things I forgot because I am dumb.
#6 Baseball- Security Service Field in Colorado Springs. Home of the Sky Sox.


Yeah, we got big balls up here in the Rockies.
When I got home tonight, I reviewed the video tape to make sure no unruly youths were messing with things that did not belong to them. And to make sure the dogs left no visible remains of said youths.

I had this picture pop up on the garage cam. It must be the 13th.


I guess dogs don't eat ghosts. Stupid dogs.
Here's my open pic. Can't see the sign in the window from the sun, but the doors are open and the shop is open. My bike is parked next to the maroon Mustang on the side of the building (kinda hard to see)...