Are you a type "A" or "B" personality?


Junior Member
Jun 4, 2009
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Hi everybody, just was reading and posting to matcouch's blog and was wondering about members peronality types?
Thought it would be interesting to do a poll but I don't really know how!
I'll bet that 85% or more riders are an "A"!?
I've only been back into riding for 2 months! And this is on my TW200. I bought it for 50/50 riding but soon found I was 99/1!! On the road. I usually only ride sat. and sun. mornings for about 5 hours. But after the bike got broke in and I was able to ride above 40 mph I couldn't believe the transformation in my mind!! It was like another plane of consiousnous!(sp). And I do think about things differently than when I'm in the cage. I tried to explain this to my older brother but he is a different personality type than me. Which begs the many members are type "A" or type "B"?? I'm type A. Oh, BTW I get out of the city as quick as possible!
Getting my FZ this Saturday.
I'm a mix, so Type AB personality for me. It truly depends on the situation and how I'm feeling and what I want to accomplish at the time.
I'm inside this little black box. When I come out and look for the label I don't find one. Instead I find either a dead cat or a live cat. It changes every time I come out of the box the same cat is there. One way or the other.

"I am not an animal! I am a human bean!"
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most of the time i am type A, but when i am riding i feel much more like a type B. I was raised in a family of type Bs, so i guess riding is my way to feel more "normal"
I'm more of a type B (my fiance is very much an A), but when I'm on my bike I lean more toward type A, depending on the situation and my mood that day.
WOW!!, judging by the first 7 I was totally thinking wrong. The reason I asked is because my brother is a "B" and has no interest in the things I do. Maybe the next 7 will be "A"'s. Thanks everyone, get FZ on 6/27.
WOW!!, judging by the first 7 I was totally thinking wrong. The reason I asked is because my brother is a "B" and has no interest in the things I do. Maybe the next 7 will be "A"'s. Thanks everyone, get FZ on 6/27.

i actually told my parents about this thread last night and they thought it was pretty accurate. they arent big fans of me riding, but they do see the type B in me when i do it. :) i'm not as type A as i could be, though....
Just took the test, and it rated me as an A.

I do consider myself to be a mix of both. It just depends on what is going on as to which one I am. Being in the military I have times when I need to be an A and times when I need to be a B.
I never knew either till I took the test.....but this seems to sum me up pretty well:

Results of Your Type A Personality Test

Personality Type

Your score = 32

What does your score mean?
You seem to be in the middle between the Type A and Type B personality. In this case, the middle ground is good. Your attitude to life is more of the "smell the roses" kind and you know how and when to relax. Nonetheless, you realize that picking up a challenge and competing a little bit for your place in the sun can add some spice to your life. The equilibrium is important, so don't let your hostile, aggressive, and competitive alter ego take over too often. Generally, you are easy to be around, and people tend to feel relaxed and comfortable in your presence. Yours is a very healthy attitude towards life.
Type B with type A influence (my wife).

I think most people are one or the other and we have to work to find a harmony between the 2. Being too type B like would be a person laid back to a fault and maybe would have trouble getting things done. So a little type A influence is a little fire under the arse.

A dominant Type A personality all the way? well that brings my blood pressure up!!

To each his own. I would say learn what you can from the opposite personality type and find your own balance.

so there you have my 2.5 cents when you probably only wanted 1 cent worth, LOL!!