Arkansas Ride September 2014

Im gonna subscribe to the thread as reminder and to get updates. This is a strong possibility for me. I'll let you know as the event gets closer.
If this were a month earlier I may have made the ride out there, but I will have just started nursing school so no way I will be able to break away for this long.

Thanks for the info though, it looks like a blast.

Have fun, and post pictures afterwards also!
Some things to be aware of:

1) You are ultimately responsible for your enjoyment of your event. Try and pick a group to ride with and keep your groups between 4-6 bikes.
2) Ride within your limits! We've been blessed so far with NOBODY having an accident, let's keep it that way!
3) Have some cash on you. Some of the small shops in the area are cash only.
4) This is some technical riding, and the roads out here chew up tires. Have good rubber on the bike and lots of it left.
5) The Hub is NOT the Ritz. Know that. It's clean though!
6) Road-side scenic overlooks are a good place to pick up chicks.

I know a few people will choose to show up early (or stay late) and make a longer trip of the ride, but the "Hog Tie" is officially as follows:

Day 1: Show up... sometime. Take some rides around the area if you're inclined and eat some pie.
Day 2: Get out of bed whenever you feel like it or the group you're riding with wakes you up. Put on your gear and go ride. All. Day. Long.
Day 3: Roll out of bed, shower on this morning... it's Sunday after all, and either go for a ride or head home.

Randall and Debbie, the owners of The Hub, have been tremendous for us in the past. They've allowed us to grill up some burgers, and do a cook-out. They do have a restaurant on-site that is really damn good, we typically have a few beers and sit around the campfire in the evenings.
There's a pretty big group from Texas heading out there over labor day weekend. I hope to be with them. We are going to be based in Clarkesville.
LFZ6 Said:6) Road-side scenic overlooks are a good place to pick up chicks.

Chickens or Human?
If human,
Do they bus 'em over from the nursing Home?
Or do they have to get there
Under their own power?
Do I need to bring bungees
To tie their walker on?
Also,Do they need a helmet?
Or are they just naturally "Hard-Headed,"
Or is it the Hairspray?
Sorry to ask so many questions.
I've never picked up chicks,
At an overlook before.
The light-bulb over my head just went on!
I get it now!
You "Overlook"
What they look like!
Errr. Or,,
Do they "Overlook" what
I look like??

PS;I'll be here @ the Ramada Room all week!
Be sure to tell your Friends and Family!
Come back for more!,,
If your stomach can handle it!
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