ATGATT: I'm a paramedic student, this is my story.


�� Paramedic ��
Jun 5, 2011
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Just another lovely day pulling double 14 hour shifts getting my clincal time in. You know pretty easy day...

I was thinking about getting my paperwork signed and ducking out early, I hear a signal comes over the radio "code blue" "open cranial head injury" so we prep the trauma room, get ready and wheel him in.

Blood everywhere, pulling CPR as soon as they get him out of he truck, we get him on the bed and start to ventilate, we do this for 5 minutes untill the doctor calls it.

Now imagine this scene, a face you couldn't recognize, broken teeth coming up through the nose, the jaw had been pushed back so far there was a gap I could stick my fingers behind it. Eyes, swollen shut. The cranium, you could fell the separation of the bones, it felt like jelly, along with dura matter (brain) exposed and laying in random places.

What does this have to do with ATGATT? Motorcycle VRS truck. The man was wearing no gear, no helmet.

Is this real for you yet? Because it sure as hell is for me.

Would he have lived if he had a helmet? My guess would be yes! He had a laceration on his shoulder and his femur was broke. Take the head out of the equation and the other stuff is manageable.

Thank you for listening, sorry but this is how i "diffuse" to maybe spread some education to those who may not think gear is worth it.
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Thanks for sharing. Hopefully a post like this will make someone who currently doesn't use proper gear think twice, and save a life in a long run.

Of course my guess is that many of the individuals who don't wear helmets are also the ones who don't believe in rider training. :don'tknow:
Kinda off topic, but I'm with you on the ATGATT. Was this a trauma arrest? If so why were you working him?

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Kinda off topic, but I'm with you on the ATGATT. Was this a trauma arrest? If so why were you working him?

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The guy had a pulse. That's why.

To clarify, I was surrounded by half a dozen nurses and about 3 doctors. I was doing my best to keep up
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Welcome to my world brother. I see this way too much on the street. So he was delivered ALS? Was his helmet delivered with him? That's is if he was wearing one. Being there was so much facial trauma did they drop a king airway? Just curious.

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Welcome to my world brother. I see this way too much on the street. So he was delivered ALS? Was his helmet delivered with him? That's is if he was wearing one. Being there was so much facial trauma did they drop a king airway? Just curious.

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No helmet. Yes all the trucks in my town are ALS. The wreck happened about 2 miles from the hospital. The medic stated he spent most of the time suctiioning.

No supra glottic airways, just a simpl OPA.
Nice.... being 2 miles away I would of beat feet too. But i would of still dropped an airway. Bet that was one hell of a consult. My family always asks me still to this day why I ride with all we deal with and see.

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Nice.... being 2 miles away I would of beat feet too. But i would of still dropped an airway. Bet that was one hell of a consult. My family always asks me still to this day why I ride with all we deal with and see.

Sorry didn't see the OPA... duhhh.
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Damn tapatalk! LOL!

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Shook me up a little.

Oh, in his underwear was a pisock containing a whole lot of Ice... I mean ALOT...
Right, but only a select few in our state get to RSI with succ. Supraglotic airways are a last resort after a direct airway.

That is a fact. Funny how medics here in MD can, but RN's can't without MD direction. Not that it would of made a difference in this lad's case.

Don't let this one get to you too much. Remember, not to sound cold. But it wasn't your emergency and you can only do what you can do. When your on the bus with working code on someones 89 year old grammy and you fix her, it'll make the ones ya lose easier to take.

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I didnt think a helmet was even an option, even if its not a law, still, helmet is a minimum....

on a side note,,,, Bill, I'm from Mechanicsburg!!!!
I didnt think a helmet was even an option, even if its not a law, still, helmet is a minimum....

on a side note,,,, Bill, I'm from Mechanicsburg!!!!

Mechanicsburg! I know Trindle Road pretty well. Would love to live in that area. Living in South York County is very... um... well you know.

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Thanks for the post. Its a good way to get it out and talk. My wife is a nurse for a neurosurgeon and we have some pretty interesting dinner conversations to say the least.

Thanks for choosing the career you've chosen. Coming from engineering where we only work on inanimate things, I have no idea how y'all do the things you do. But, I sure am glad you do it!!

Yep, I'll never understand the "I don't want to wear a helmet" thing. :confused:
With the amount of facial and jaw trauma, intubation might not have been possible. Situational. Can you guys surgical cric (assuming no trachial damage, either)? You say he had a pulse, but cpr was in progress?

Its awesome if you save em, but the way i think of things if they do end up dying. IF in the slightest chances this fella woulda "lived" what would the quality of life have been considering the head trauma and brain damage incurred?
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