Back From Alaska


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Feb 9, 2007
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Just got back from my holiday in Alaska... I was Awesome.... The wife and I took a Cruise from Vancouver BC to Alaska and back... with stops on between... Il post up some pics when I get a chance.... Anyone else done an Alaska cruise?..

2003 my wife and I did the cruise from Anchorage to Vancouver. We still say it was the best vacation we have ever taken. Absolutely beautiful and the wildlife is spectacular.
My grandmother and her friend did an Alaska cruise a few years back and they said it was the one of the most wondreful trips they had ever taken. The pictures they brought back looked like postcards you'd buy in a store. I'd love to go on a cruis like that. If you have any pics you'd like to share please post them, I'd love to see them.
The pic of Juneau at sunset is awesome. I hear there are no roads that lead to it, everything has to come in by ship. Is that right? Mayby it's Anchorage I'm thinking about.
Sorry my pictures were pre digital for us. In fact I did buy a new SLR and Lens just for that trip. Went film because the digital SLR I wanted was $1800.00 at the time. Now I think it's about $600.00 if you can find them which I knew would happen. I started looking at them again though.