Beer Thread

OK twist my arm! I'm having a Hoplicious IPA right now! I like a variety of beers. If you spell it with 2 ee's I'll try it. I live in Wisconsin. We make drinking an Olympic sport.:iconbeer:
I don't drink much, usually about a beer per week on average. Used to like Southern Comfort but decided to quit since I was drinking more than I liked.

Nowadays I like quality beers since I don't drink for quantity.

Guinness, Bass, Newcastle
Kona Brewing Co, Sam Adams

In the fridge now is 1 Kona Pipeline, 1 Kona Fire Rock Pale Ale, 1 Guinness Draught, six pack of Guinness Black Lager and six pack of Bass Ale.

Recently I purchased an Aberlour 12 year single malt Scotch. Trying to see if I like it. Had a taste at a Scottish festival last November. Not a big liquor person.

I have taken the tour at Makers Mark in Loretto, Kentucky. Cool place. I brought home a bottle I dipped in the wax myself (paid for it). Had a sip of their "white lightning" that's part way through the distilling process. If you can make it there I'd suggest you go!

Was going to post an old pic of that but seemed to have lost them.

EDIT: Found it!

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Im a beer man, I just had the best beer ever and felt the need to share. Its called Banana Bread Beer from the UK. Otherwise I stick with my union made WI Miller Lite, and I like Old Milwaukee Light as well. Cheers!
To any beer connoisseurs out there, you should try Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout. Amazing. 9% alcohol content. Only downside is it's expensive. Something like 12 bucks for a 4 pack. If you drink for taste and not to just get drunk, then check it out.
ML and OML are quantity beers with few qualities that actually make beer.

I've had Yeungling, can only get it on the east coast (had it in D.C. and in Florida). It's good too.

There's a couple of "banana" beers at the local Spec's here in town but I haven't tried it. The Kona Longboard is actually made with coffee beans. I don't drink coffee but you can taste it in the beer, it's pretty good.
I don't drink much, but when I have a possibility I always drink Hoegaarden. I like this wheat taste.
I had this this week - Deschutes Hopzeit Autumn IPA. Had other of their offerings, which are good, but this one especially hit the spot, not over-powering, subtle but tasty with depth. Usually I prefer something with some flavor, I don't mind IPAs at all. Have yet to have a bad Goose Island - even their wheat is good (not usually my favorite).
I'm not much of a beer drinker, but I like a good wheat beer

Blue Moon
Stella Artois
Red Seal (from North Coast Brewery)
Union Jack (from Firestone - same brewer as 805)

Asolutely Won't Drink
any sour beer, insert gag here
Bud, Coors, Pabst Blue Ribbon (even if it's $2 a can and someone else offers to buy it) once at bike night at local bar & grill (PJ's) a Harley rider who knew someone I knew offered to buy me a beer because I didnt have enough cash. I had a stella because I can sip one and still ride home sober. He thought he was going to get something....but the next bike night my hubby made sure to thank the dude. Never saw him again Blah

just got into whiskey this year. Crown, of course.
And Brandy. A good smooth VS