Beer Thread


Moto Demi-God
Elite Member
Jan 13, 2008
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So in honor of Tailgate here's the BEER thread. :iconbeer:

Yeah we've done this before but not to the scope and complexity of oil, and as beer is much more important than oil. Here we go!

List your favorites and the WORST beer you've ever had. You I know some of you will say, "Hey a FREE beer is good beer, so there is no bad beer." Well...I beg to differ.

Feel free to show your passion and justifications for your brands, just like oil.

Fat Tire Ale
Gary Beer (my friend Gary home brews the best stouts in the world, sorry Brits)
Left Hand Pale Ale
Any Pilsner

Not so much
Coors products, especially Keystone, and whats up with the cold labels - that's stupid
Most Bud products
Most Miller products
Red Stripe - What crap!
My first batch of Pale Ale using the Mr. Beer kit. :surrender: Welcome to MR.BEER® - Home

Whiskeys - yeah its not beer but I like a good whiskey too.
Middleton - straight, can you say smmmmoooooth?
Crown, for everyday and mixing
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-Sunset Wheat
-Pretty much anything Sam Adams
-Blue Moon
-Goose Island Oatmeal Stout

Not so much
-Anything that has the name Milwaukee......old Milwaukee, the Beast, you get the picture.
-Ice House
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Sam Adams!

Fat Tire Ale is good but have you tried their Skinny Dip?? Very Good

Oh and I got to try some Budweiser Select this weekend and it is terrible!

Funny you should say that about the Labels because I heard that "We Salute you Commercial" about the Blue bottles and thought it was hilarious! Not as funny as the Mr way to proud of Texas guy
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Let's see....

The Good:
Sam Adams - Any flavor except the Cranberry.
Smuttynose - S'muttonator Double Bock and Imperial Stout
Redhook - Blackhook, ESB and Winterhook
Harpoon - UFO Hefeweizen
Seadog - Old East India Pale Ale

The bad:
Most domestic beers although MGD isn't bad.
Sam's Cranberry
Anything fruited!

Want to try BADLY:
Smoked Porter - Alaskan Brewing Company
Tröegenator Double Bock - Tröegs Brewing Company

I am a fan of beers that offer some body and weight along with great taste. I love the Stouts, Ales, Porters, Bocks and Hefeweizen so long as it is true to form (unfiltered)

Hard stuff and I don't get along... we don't go there.

Wine: A lot of them, depends on the mood, the atmosphere and the food. A good wine isn't necessarily an expensive wine. I'd had some really good ones for under $10 a bottle. I'm REALLY linking the Aussie Yellow Tail wines a lot! The land Down Under grows some very good earthy tone grapes! Between Australia and California, I'm all set with wine! :thumbup:
Sam Adams!

Fat Tire Ale is good but have you tried their Skinny Dip?? Very Good

Oh and I got to try some Budweiser Select this weekend and it is terrible!

Funny you should say that about the Labels because I heard that "We Salute you Commercial" about the Blue bottles and thought it was hilarious! Not as funny as the Mr way to proud of Texas guy

Oh I do like Skinny Dip! Very good.

I lived in Ft. Collins while I was in college began drink New Belgum back in '88 or so. When we moved to TX in '94 it wasn't sold here so whenever I went home I loaded up the back of the truck and hauled that and Left Hand home.

I am known to drink a Lone Star from time to time but my guts regret that the next day! Kinda like KBR chow...Oh!!! Gotta go!!!! MAKE WAY!!!
The Best:

Bumble Bee: Only brewed for a couple of months in the summer and fermented with honey. Yum Yum.

Stella Artois: Lovely nutty flavour, just before you go nuts.

The Worst

Kronenburg: It absolutely kills me, to the point where on my stag do I hung the Union Jack of the Eiffel tower in France to claim it for the Queen. The French police were very good about it as it was a non violent protest.

Hogarden: Why try to turn a beer into a drink thats palatable for posh people who think that the bread line is the Que in bakery.

Some beer brewed with chocolate that I rank in Brugge, I had to swim that one off in the fountain.

I love wheat beers:
* Paulaner
* Franzikaner
* Pyramid Apricot (sounds weird, but it has a nice fruity flavor)
* Corona doesn't fit the mold, but I drank a bunch on fun trips in Mexico during college and it reminds me of that

* any high volume American beer
Great thread Pete!

My Favorites
Sierra Nevada
- Pale Ale
- Summerfest
Gordon Biersch Marzen (What I'm drinking right now)
Newcastle Brown Ale
Sam Adams Boston Lager

What I Won't Pay Money For
Any Hefeweizen

What I Won't Drink Even if it's Free
*crickets chirping*

Glenlivet 12 year (drink at parties and on weekends)
Glenmorangie 10 year (suitable alternate for Glenlivet)
Jack Daniels (drink on days that end in y)
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Well, I haven't met a beer I haven't liked, except for those cranberry or fruity beers, but my favs by far are:

Sam Adams
Labatt's (Ice is $10 for 12 24OZ cans!!!!) Blue, blue light
Anything from Europe for the most part
Corona Light, no funky taste and no lime needed
Wheat Beer except blue moon is OK
Kronenburg: It absolutely kills me, to the point where on my stag do I hung the Union Jack of the Eiffel tower in France to claim it for the Queen. The French police were very good about it as it was a non violent protest.

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! :cheer:

Unfortunately for my bank account, I've developed a taste for 18+ yo unblended Scotch Whisky. Macallan is my fav at the moment. I'm also quite partial to Crown Royal but you can't buy it in the UK so I have to get my Canadian friend to bring me bottles when she goes home.
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The Best:

Stella Artois: Lovely nutty flavour, just before you go nuts.

The Worst
Hogarden: Why try to turn a beer into a drink thats palatable for posh people who think that the bread line is the Que in bakery.

I like most of the mainstream continental beers, Heineken, Amstel, Stella I like Grolsch but it always seems to give me a bad head in the morning.

Love most of the Belgian trappist & dark beers, westmalle, afligem & palm among others, (i've never understood how such a small country can brew so many good beers :thumbup:)

I think that the Brits have gone a bit overboard in the marketing, over here Hoegarden is pretty standard and all different types of people drink it, me included :eek:
you can't beat a cool white beer on a warm summers day. Over here they have other makes too like Witte Raaf and wiekse witte (to name but a few).

Johnie Walker

Single malts:
Most other Islay whiskeys.
Most of the "glens" (not Golden glen, cooking whiskey ;))
Actually there are few single malts I dislike :D
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I like Samuel Adams Summer Ale, and Oktoberfest, also I like Amstel Light and Coors light as they don't leave a bite after. I don't drink much, but I like a nice cold one now and again.. especially watching the Red Sox, or the Bruins.
The Good:

Summit -Pale Ale
Any Sam Adams product
Lienenkugels -Northwoods Lager
Sprecher -Abbey Tripple
Crystal Water Brewery -Ouisconsin Red Ale
New Glarus- Spotted Cow
Any Capital Brewery product

The Bad:

Lienenkugels- Light (better than Bud Light or Miller Lite)
Pabst Blue Ribbon
Lacrosse Light

The Ugly:

Old Style
Bud Light
Miller Lite
The good stuff:

Yuengling - Delecious lager from America's oldest brewery.
Landshark - Like a less filling Corona (from Jimmy Buffett's brewery), nice for hot days at the beach or out on the boat.
Heineken Light - It's a Heineken but w/ only 99 calories!
Heineken - Althought it tasted much better when I was in Amsterdam.
Stella Artois - Just plain tasty.
Kronenburg - All I drank while in the UK, maybe why I dont remember much of the nights.
Bud Light - Hey, it's cheap.

The bad:

Hoegarden - Recently tried one, couldnt get down half before chucking it.
Coors Light - More like water light
Genesee/Genny light - Local beer, brewed from from the Genesee river, if you ever saw the Genesee river you would stay way away from this beer.
Keystone - 33 cents a beer, enough said. Brings back college memories though.
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I could go on for days here but I'll keep it short

Favorites (living room/bar):
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Sam Adams Black Lager
Boulevard Porter
My Russian Imperial Stout homebrew (I have too my own horn a bit)

Favorites (where glass is not permitted or when money is tight)
Miller High Life.

Not so much:
American/bottled Guiness (I have been to Ireland... it is different)

Gag Inducing:
Bud Light
Any Flemish Sour
My latest Maple lager homebrew (I am an honest guy what can I say?)

Iam in the process of harvesting and ripening pears from my backyard to make a pear mead for next spring.. hopefully that makes it to the top of the list next year :cheers:
Pear mead sounds great. It is very sweet or more flavorful?

I'm not sure, the only mead I've made with fruit added to it was blackberry and it had more acidity. I'm thinking that the pears should add quite a bit of flavor. I am planning on making a plain mead and a pear cider and then combining the two after primary fermentation to give more contrast between the two flavors. Gotta love the artistic freedom when it comes to brewing.