Beer Thread

i like the cheap crap:
coors light
busch light

any sam adams that doesnt have cranberries in it
long trail makes a couple good brews
blue moon
Black and Tans

Anything that will do the job after a long week at work.

usually friday nights start with a Bud heavy and shot of JD
Bell's Best Brown
Sam Adams Boston Lager, Light, and Summer Ale
Rogue Shakespeare Stout (Delish!)

Not So Good:
Landshark - Packs a punch as well as a Hangover like boxed wine

Scotch Whiskey:
Johnnie Walker Black - After a long hard day
Glenmorangie Port Wood - An extra special treat

Dutch (Heineken, Grolsch)
Scottish (Tennents, Beamish)
French (Kronenburg)
Mexican (Corona, XX, Negramodelo)
Japanese (Sapporo)

American (Bud, Coors, Miller)
Most Fullers brews, especially 1845 and London Pride.
Then there's Bombadier and Abbot ale
Not to mention the wonderful flavor of banana bread beer!
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So I dont have as much beer experience as some of you since I did just did become of legal age.

Petes Wicked Ale
Black Dog
Old Stone Mill
(Had some Apple Cider beer when at Epcot in London. Not sure of the name, but it was great on a hot day!)
New Castle

I prefer a nice ale. They all seem to pretty good, esp when on draft!

Anything that you can find in a can!
I like most of the mainstream continental beers, Heineken, Amstel, Stella I like Grolsch but it always seems to give me a bad head in the morning.

Love most of the Belgian trappist & dark beers, westmalle, afligem & palm among others, (i've never understood how such a small country can brew so many good beers :thumbup:)

I think that the Brits have gone a bit overboard in the marketing, over here Hoegarden is pretty standard and all different types of people drink it, me included :eek:
you can't beat a cool white beer on a warm summers day. Over here they have other makes too like Witte Raaf and wiekse witte (to name but a few).

Johnie Walker

Single malts:
Most other Islay whiskeys.
Most of the "glens" (not Golden glen, cooking whiskey ;))
Actually there are few single malts I dislike :D

Dear god man! you like Ardbeg? I poured 3 parts of a bottle down the drain recently. Couldn't drink the stuff, it tastes like TCP
Dear god man! you like Ardbeg? I poured 3 parts of a bottle down the drain recently. Couldn't drink the stuff, it tastes like TCP

When I was younger I hated Islay whiskeys (as they all have the same smell and distinctive taste) and only liked the really smooth ones. Later I came to appreciate whiskeys more, its more than just the initial smell/taste, especially the islay ones have more "body" and after taste.

But I guess this is all a question of taste (or lack of it ;))

By the way next time you get a bottle please send it my way, or I'll get my mate in Rugby to pick it up for me :thumbup: because throwing it down the sink is sacrilege
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I am know hooked on GUINNESS!!!!!!! :iconbeer::iconbeer::iconbeer::drool::bow::bow::thumbup::cheer::cheer:

I also enjoy Blue Moon from time to time............................ There is a pizza place near hear called "OLD CHICAGO" and they blend the two and call it "Eclipse" it's pretty good. They pour it to where they both are separate from each other and is quite a thing to look at right before you down it!!!!!
The Good:
Rogue Dead Guy Ale (Smooooth)
JW Dundee Honey Brown Lager (drink slowly, let it warm up)
Sam Adams White Ale
Sam Adams Old Fezziwig Ale (Seasonal, available around xmas)
Sierra Nevada IPA (great after a sweaty work day)

Hmm, seems I prefer ales...

The Not So Good:
Any light 'beer' (tip: if you're worried about calories, rather than drinking mass quantities of sh!tty 'beer' flavored water, try drinking just a few good beers - your head will thank you in the morning)

Hefeweizen surprise - I've grown to enjoy hefeweizens, but that unfiltered yeast taste is still a shocker from time to time.
I'm all about Belgian white ales in the summer, I suggest trying Allagash White if you can find it. I get it at Whole Foods, which is also a good place to check out some ladies -they buy health food, I only buy beer there.
Also try Weihenstephaner if you can get it on tap, it's made by a brewery that's been active since 1040. That's old. And any Belgian dubbel or triple.

In fact, I suggest trying any new beer whenever you get the chance.

Taste is subjective, so I wont list the bads. I have friends who prefer Busch Light. I dont understand it, but I wont criticize.
I'm amazed reading this at how many US folk like ales and stouts. Sounds like you have way more choice of stout then here in the UK, I thought you all drank ice cold fizzy piss, that's the only American beers we get over here, same with Australian beer, we only get nasty cheap lagers.

Good to see Newcastle Brown is so popular (confuse your barman, ask for a Newkie broon, or a bottle o' dog). Great stuff, but kills my guts and gives me a minging hangover.

Caledonian beers are some of my favourites, pretty much anything from Ringwood brewery is a winner, Marstens' Firestoker is a new fave of mine. There's too many to choose from really. Generally I like stuff from small independant brewers, I like veriety. I like Hoegaarden and Leffe, but it's stupidly expensive here.

I don't like cheap lager from anywhere and anything in a can tastes wierd to me. Some of the more expensive lagers like Stella can be refreshing when it's hot, but I can't drink a lot of it, it's too fizzy. Cider makes me puke.

The best whisky I've tried so far is Taliskers single malt, fom Skye. Not cheap, but worth it.

Fuller's ESB


Most American beers.

I really hope you mean most mass produced American beers. There are so many small breweries in the states. You're discounting a lot of excellent beer if you make a blanket rule not to drink beer made in the US.
I don't drink beer...don't like the taste but...I have an interview next week to work at the Steelback Brewery. Anyone tried it? Good Bad Ugly??
I'm amazed reading this at how many US folk like ales and stouts. Sounds like you have way more choice of stout then here in the UK, I thought you all drank ice cold fizzy piss, that's the only American beers we get over here, same with Australian beer, we only get nasty cheap lagers.

We drink them because we know how bad our beer is!

Beers i like:
1. Newcastle Brown
2. Kronenberg
3. Labatt Blue

By drinking those, it gives credibility to claiming that I'm Canadian when I travel. :D

Beers I dislike:
All mass produced american beers
A few of my faves:

Innis and Gunn...would love to hear from anyone who has tried this
Flying Dog: Golden Ale
Red Hook Blonde
Alhambra Especial Lager
Harpoon UFO Heffweizen or Magic Hat's Circus Boy Heff (in a pinch)

have some Smutty Nose Old Brown Dog Ale in house now. its really nice.
kind of coffee-ish.

you georgia folk should know about Terrapin Blonde - mega yum.

oh gosh, i could go on; but y'all would think i do nothing but sample beer
all the time.

absolutely abhore Miller Lite on tap. it was served at a party my band played at
a couple of weeks ago. couldn't even sip at it. nasty.

i bummed a huge Miller chill thing from the singer from on of the other bands
and split it with two of my band mates. it was not great shakes; but much
more palatable than the Lite.

oddly enough though, at a local dig where i play music, they have $1.50 cans of Mabel on Tuesday nights. always seriously cold and it goes down nice nice. does it taste so good cuz it's cold? or is it nostalgia that makes me think it tastes good?
I usually don't have much to do with the canucks, but they do BEER well! Molsons Export, and the such. I like beer that you can enjoy instead of lunch, if you get my drift. Substantial and hearty, GRUMPY
Lager (Yuengling to the laypeople)
Sam Adams (Lager, Ale, Summer, Winter Lager)
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Imperial (A great Costa Rican lager)
Harpoon IPA
My own Mr. Beer homebrews (The pale ale was good, I'm about to start a nut brown with unmalted hops, molasses, and fresh roasted local coffee added)

Red Stripe
Dos Equis

Cheap crap (Miller/Coors/Bud, although Bud is the King of cheap crappy beers)
Unfiltered Beer (Hoegarden, Blue Moon, etc.)
Sweet Beers
Fruity Beers
Weak Beers

Gentleman Jack
Johnny Walker Black
Makers Mark

Single malt, older than 12 years, and not too heavy on the peat.
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Kona Brewing Company - Fire Rock Pale Ale
Sam Adams - Cherry Wheat
Lancaster Brewing Co - Milk Stoudt
Krusovice - Cérne (sorry their website is broken atm, I'll edit this when it's fixed)
Gordon Biersch - Märzen

Not so Much
Yuengling Premium - As far as I know, only available in Schuylkill county... and for good reason. Premium is a misnomer. Ugh...
'Nattie Ice' - Bad college memories

I really liked all the Kona Brewing Co. stuff, but practically impossible to get them around here. I live in Lancaster so obviously I'm fond of the local brews too. Krusovice is about as hard to find as KBC, but I had a pint while I was up in Boston and I was hooked. Their lager/imperial wasn't that great, but the Cérne dark beer was fantastic.

I try to avoid the big commercial breweries for the most part... with the exceptions being Sam Adams and Yuengling... I can't avoid Yuengling... since I work in Pottsville. :)
