Best Headline Ever.

LOL. That's too much. That's the station my wife and I watch all the time. I'll tell you another one that happend about a year ago on the same news station. A reporter was doing a segment on a new born baby gorilla at the Atlanta Zoo and reported that the zoo named the baby gorila " Coochi". The male reporter back at the station heard this, looked dead into the camera and said " I like Coochi!" My wife and I looked at each other and busted out laughing. I looked at her and said "Me too!" It took us ten minutes to stop laughing.:D
Awesome. That is even better. Its good your wife has a sense of humor. My girlfriend thinks I am a goofball sometimes. She thought that was funny but not worth me laughing my butt off for 10 minutes.

I was using google trends looking for wierd stuff. I typed in Bever Dam cause I just rode thru there today and thats one of the things that came up.