Bike Theft Prevention

Cloggy you live in Holland.

Isn`t that the country where you leave your keys in the bike and the thieves steal it, go for a ride, fill it up with fuel, wash and polish it and park it up where they stole it from?


unfortunately not, or I would do that more regularly (easy way to get the bike cleaned) :thumbup:

It is true that in the cities some people seem to think is their right to steal a bicycle, as nobody is using it, but this means removing a lock to do so. The problem is they quite often throw the bike in the canal after use or sell it on to someone else on the street.

The only way to stop this is to make sure your bicycle looks like cr@p, so nobody wants to steal it. My wife has a special "looks like Cr@p" bike for locking up at the station (the place where the most thefts occur), she also has 2 good locks, but that didn't help with her previous 3 station bicycles.

So the answer to the security problem is to make sure your bike looks aweful so no one will want to take it, but I suppose that's not an option ;)
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Hi There.

I'm a new member to the FZ community having upgraded from owning a Daytona 600 to my Fab Fz S2 last week and as another Brit member put is in Stealth Black( like that phrase)

I'm really pleased to see all the practical and technical advice / tips everyone have given to this thread, thank you!

For a day job, I'm a cop, what we call in England a Crime Prevention Design Advisor (now now boys and girls, be nice please) :)
and one of my many, many roles I have is that by chance having being involved with the 3 recent Cheltenham Bike Safe events from 2005-07 during which PC Phil Edwards of the the National Team asked me to be the National Bike Safe Security Advisor
Gloucestershire BikeSafe

I'm also now a member of the National Motorcycle Crime Reduction Group and we meet 4 times a year now to help work with Police Forces to promote security advice etc. Members are from the Security Industry, Dealers etc, but most are Bikers and some are IAATI members.
Official website of IAATI, a site for those interested in In The Detection and Prevention Of Vehicle Theft

For the past 2 years I have been at the NEC, on the Bike Safe stand giving short inputs on Powered Two Wheeler security and hope to do so again in 2008 + I will be at the London Bike Safe event at the end of March 2008.
BikeSafe London

I don't claim to have all the answers, but am keen as a biker to help anyone reduce the opportunity for crime and which should not cost an arm / leg. etc.

So, after all the above if anyone would like more info let me know please.


JOOC, is anyone using a security system that actually defeated a thief in a real theft attempt?
I'm leaning towards a 2 way electronic alarm system. Locking up a bike (to me) is akin to thinking a trigger lock will prevent a gun from being stolen.

My friend has a Suzuki SV650 S and he went back to the US over Christmas. When he got back he found his ignition completely bolloxed - but his bike was still there. He reckons that they tried to steal it but the immobiliser stopped them.
Lots of great advice from everyone! I was also wondering if anyone heard of GPS tracking devices being used? And how effective are they? I've seen some Datatool info on the net but can't recall if it's available here in the US. Scorpio seems to be what I'm seeing the most around here and it does have a 2way paging system. Don't really know how this works or if this poses a bigger drain on the FZ6 battery. I believe theft coverage is part of my insurance with Progressive, but as much as possible "Prevention" is key. How does it go again: An Oz. of prevention is worth more than a Lb. of cure (bike related of course).
I am in the process of installing Scorpio i500SE alarm that I got new off ebay. It's supposed to have 1/2 mile 2 way capability. I already use Xena X15 alarmed disc lock and of course, the fork lock. I always look to park my FZ6 in a conspicuous place (in front area, or even on sidewalk outside business entry) to increase the chance that a thief might be fingered or picked up on security camera. I park in a garage at home and at work, am allowed to park in the custodial compound/area where there is usually personnel. Although I don't carry collision I do have comp ins (but I like the baby that I have).

Hey SSimoni,

Could you post some installation pics and write up for the Scorpio? Let us know what you think of it. This is one alarm system I'm looking at. Thanks in advance.

I use full coverage insurance with a low deductible on the comprehensive portion of my insurance.

I do not fool around with disc locks or chains.

I live in a low crime area and my bike is stored in a locked garage. Most of my bike riding is in areas with low crime of this sort. Wehn I travel to a "high crime" area, that is what the insurance is for. Some years back, I had a bike stolen out of my back yard. They totaled it and I got the insurance money for it. So I know what it is like to lose a bike in this manner.
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Hi There.

I'm a new member to the FZ community having upgraded from owning a Daytona 600 to my Fab Fz S2 last week and as another Brit member put is in Stealth Black( like that phrase)

I'm really pleased to see all the practical and technical advice / tips everyone have given to this thread, thank you!

For a day job, I'm a cop, what we call in England a Crime Prevention Design Advisor (now now boys and girls, be nice please) :)
and one of my many, many roles I have is that by chance having being involved with the 3 recent Cheltenham Bike Safe events from 2005-07 during which PC Phil Edwards of the the National Team asked me to be the National Bike Safe Security Advisor
Gloucestershire BikeSafe

I'm also now a member of the National Motorcycle Crime Reduction Group and we meet 4 times a year now to help work with Police Forces to promote security advice etc. Members are from the Security Industry, Dealers etc, but most are Bikers and some are IAATI members.
Official website of IAATI, a site for those interested in In The Detection and Prevention Of Vehicle Theft

For the past 2 years I have been at the NEC, on the Bike Safe stand giving short inputs on Powered Two Wheeler security and hope to do so again in 2008 + I will be at the London Bike Safe event at the end of March 2008.
BikeSafe London

I don't claim to have all the answers, but am keen as a biker to help anyone reduce the opportunity for crime and which should not cost an arm / leg. etc.

So, after all the above if anyone would like more info let me know please.


Welcome to another Brit.
I was also going to mention that often the last MOD's we consider making are security ones.
Welcome Marky...Im an ex Preventitive mumbo jumbo gobbldygook...myself. From Thames Valley and later know what Im talking about.

Im sure you you will be called upon for all sorts of legal eagle questions so keep your blue books handy.

Hi There.

I'm a new member to the FZ community having upgraded from owning a Daytona 600 to my Fab Fz S2 last week and as another Brit member put is in Stealth Black( like that phrase)

.............I don't claim to have all the answers, but am keen as a biker to help anyone reduce the opportunity for crime and which should not cost an arm / leg. etc.
So, after all the above if anyone would like more info let me know please.

Welcome to the forum, nice sites you posted, I especially liked this one (found in the Links section)
Thanks for that link Cloggy and Marky

There is some good bits in it.

The Advanced riders clips are interesting.
